php - Multiple Domains in Yii2 -

i have project yii2.

i have more domain project.

i need login user other domain.

the main domain: login in domain worked

other domain saved in db: , , ,... problem list

domain list saved in database , park in directadmin

params file:

return [     //todo: change line when upload application on domain     'domain' => '', ]; 

web file:

$params = require(__dir__ . '/params.php');  $config = [     'id' => 'projectname',     'name'=>'projectname',     'basepath' => dirname(__dir__),     'bootstrap' => ['log', 'app\components\aliases'],     'language' => 'en_us',     'components' => [         'request' => [             'baseurl'=> '',             // !!! insert secret key in following (if empty) - required cookie validation             'cookievalidationkey' => 'n+!@l_i&#r^s!#&$j',             'csrfcookie' => [                 'name' => '_csrf',                 'path' => '/',                 'domain' => ".".$params['domain'],             ],         ],         'cache' => [             'class' => 'yii\caching\filecache',         ],         'user' => [             'identityclass' => 'app\models\user',             'class' => 'app\components\user',             'enableautologin' => true,             'loginurl' => ['user/login'],             'identitycookie' => [                 'name' => '_identity',                 'path' => '/',                 'domain' => ".".$params['domain'],             ],         ],         'authmanager' => [             'class' => 'app\components\phprbac',         ],         'session' => [             'class' => 'yii\web\dbsession',             'cookieparams' => [                 'path' => '/',                 'domain' => ".".$params['domain'],             ],             'timeout' => 3600,         ],         'view' => [             'theme' => [                 'basepath' => '@app/themes/system',                 'baseurl' => '@web/themes/system',                 'pathmap' => [                     '@app/views' => '@app/themes/system',                     '@app/widgets' => '@app/themes/system/widgets',                 ],             ],         ],         'urlmanager' => [             'enableprettyurl' => true,             'showscriptname' => false,             'cache' => 'cache',             'rules' => [                 '<action:(about)>'=>'site/<action>',                 'panel/<controller>/<action>'=>'<controller>/admin-blog-<action>',                 'admin/<controller>/<action>'=>'<controller>/admin-<action>',                 'blog/create/<domain>' => 'blog/create',                 /* home page */                 '' => 'site/index',                  /* blog sub domain */                 'http://<domain:(www.)*\w+>' => 'blogs/index',                 'http://<domain:(www.)*\w+>' => 'profile/index',                 'http://<domain:(www.)*\w+><action>' => 'blogs/<action>',                  /* blog domain */                 'http://<domain:(www.)*[^!domain]\w+(.)\w{1,4}+>' => 'blogs/index',                 'http://<domain:(www.)*[^!domain]\w+(.)\w{1,4}+>/profile' => 'profile/index',                 'http://<domain:(www.)*[^!domain]\w+(.)\w{1,4}+>/<action>' => 'blogs/<action>',             ]         ],          'db' => require(__dir__ . '/db.php'),     ],     'params' => $params, ]; 


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