java - I am trying to get physical address using latitude and longitude in Android -

i trying physical address using latitude , longitude in android

everything working fine coordinates (like one: 32.696627 , 74.8798822) not work , app crashes.

here's code:

import java.util.list; import java.util.locale; import static; public class mainactivity extends appcompatactivity {      string s ="";     edittext lati , longi;     textview t;       @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);       public void show_me_the_details(view v) throws exception     {          lati  =(edittext)findviewbyid(;         longi  =(edittext)findviewbyid(;          double  = double.parsedouble(lati.gettext().tostring());         double b  = double.parsedouble(longi.gettext().tostring());           geocoder geocoder;         list<address> addresses;         geocoder = new geocoder(this, locale.getdefault());           addresses = geocoder.getfromlocation(a, b, 1); // here 1 represent max location result returned, documents recommended 1 5          string address = addresses.get(0).getaddressline(0); // if additional address line present only, check max available address lines getmaxaddresslineindex()         string city = addresses.get(0).getlocality();         string state = addresses.get(0).getadminarea();         string country = addresses.get(0).getcountryname();         string postalcode = addresses.get(0).getpostalcode();         string knownname = addresses.get(0).getfeaturename();          textview t = (textview)findviewbyid(;          string full_address = address+"\n"+city+"\n"+state+"\n"+country+"\n"+postalcode+"\n"+knownname+"\n";         t.settext(full_address);      } } 

andriod's geocoder api free , give u correct address.

as per crashing concerned need debug it.try put logging , enclose code in try catch.

observation : have observed geocoder code u wrote in ui thread not way should calculated in background service there cases program hang if api takes lot of time.

try go through andriod standard practice geocoder popular api.
