ajax - Create a like method for filter query on Rails, smart_listing gem -

i want filter content of table created smart_listing gem

for unknown, smartlisting known smart_listing ruby gem provides tools create lists on rails app

i can use pagination filter still not working

link smart_listing documentation controls (filtering) documentation section

in docs says that:

# apply search control filter.   # note: `like` method here not built-in rails scope. need define yourself.   users_scope = users_scope.like(params[:filter]) if params[:filter] 

this code, how can make runs filter? have on controller

if !current_user.current_organization.import_columns.nil?       @import_contacts = userimport.where(organization_id: current_user.current_organization.id)        @import_contacts_column_filter = current_user.current_organization.import_columns.split(/,/)       contacts_import_scope = @import_contacts       contacts_import_scope = contacts_import_scope.like(params[:filter]) if params[:filter]       #contacts_import_scope = begin_of_association_chain.order('active desc')       #contacts_import_scope = contacts_import_scope.imported_users_filter(params[:filter].strip) if params[:filter]       @import_contacts_listing = smart_listing_create(         :import_contacts,         contacts_import_scope,         partial: 'contacts/listing_import',         default_sort: {created_at: "desc"}       )     end 

this on views


.tab-content       - if @import_contacts.any?         .search-wrapper.pull-right           = smart_listing_controls_for(:import_contacts)             span.btn.pull-right               i.fa.fa-search             .filter.input-append.pull-right               = text_field_tag :filter, '', class: 'search', placeholder: "#{t('commons.filters.search_pending_petition_contacts')}", autocomplete: 'off' 


- unless smart_listing.empty?   .pending_contacts_table.table-responsive     table class="table-striped table-list" style="width: 100%; background-color: #fafbfd;"       thead         tr           - @import_contacts_column_filter.each |column|             th.name.col-sm-2 = smart_listing.sortable "#{column}", "#{column}"           th.name.col-sm-2 añadir       tbody         - smart_listing.collection.each |user_imported|             tr               - @import_contacts_column_filter.each |field|                 td = "#{user_imported.send(field)}"               td                 - if user.exists?(email: user_imported.email)                   p ya añadido                 - else                   - last_name = "#{user_imported.surname1}"+"#{user_imported.surname2}"                   = link_to new_organization_customer_path(name: user_imported.name, last_name: last_name, email: user_imported.email, tmp_pass: user_imported.tmp_pass), class: 'btn btn-success'                     class='fa fa-plus-square'      = page_entries_info smart_listing.collection     = smart_listing.paginate - else 

how define doc's .like method?

as wrote on code , left commented, before tried write in way without results.

#contacts_import_scope = contacts_import_scope.imported_users_filter(params[:filter].strip) if params[:filter] 


issue importscontroller, must defined on , not on contactscontroller.

also controller looks this

def load_import_contacts      @import_contacts_column_filter = current_user.current_organization.import_columns.split(/,/)      @import_contacts = userimport.where(organization_id: current_user.current_organization.id)      @import_contacts = @import_contacts.where("name ? or surname1 ? or surname2 ? or reference_number ? or email ? or mutua ?", "%#{params[:filter]}%","%#{params[:filter]}%", "%#{params[:filter]}%", "%#{params[:filter]}%","%#{params[:filter]}%", "%#{params[:filter]}%") if params[:filter]      @import_contacts_listing = smart_listing_create(        :import_contacts,        @import_contacts, 

and _listing_import.slim...

@import_contacts = @import_contacts.where("name ? or surname1 ? or surname2 ? or reference_number ? or email ? or mutua ?", "%#{params[:filter]}%","%#{params[:filter]}%", "%#{params[:filter]}%", "%#{params[:filter]}%","%#{params[:filter]}%", "%#{params[:filter]}%") if params[:filter]  

finally, filter , pagination works!


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