c# - Get current Activity - Xamarin Android -

i developing portable app android , ios. current function taking screenshot , use image in code. therefor have interface in portable library.

public interface ifilesystemservice {     string getappdatafolder(); } 

i taking screenshot in portable library following code:

static public bool takescreenshot()     {         try         {             byte[] screenshotbytes = dependencyservice.get<interface.iscreenshotmanager>().takescreenshot();             return true;         }         catch (exception ex)         {         }         return false;     } 

this either calls android or ios version.


class screenshotmanagerandroid : iscreenshotmanager {     public static activity activity { get; set; }      public byte[] takescreenshot()     {          if (activity == null)         {             throw new exception("you have set screenshotmanager.activity in android project");         }          var view = activity.window.decorview;         view.drawingcacheenabled = true;          bitmap bitmap = view.getdrawingcache(true);          byte[] bitmapdata;          using (var stream = new memorystream())         {             bitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 0, stream);             bitmapdata = stream.toarray();         }          return bitmapdata;     } 

the question current activity app.

try doing var view = ((activity)xamarin.forms.forms.context).window.decorview;

xamarin automatically assigns activity forms.context.
