.net - Is Metro Framework NuGet Package free or not? -

i saw metro framework on nuget packages provides me lot better ui winforms application, want use framework in winforms application, not sure licensing. read license in "view license" option , reads out "free of charge", on other hand metro framework paid framework (i assume).

so confused whether should use framework in application or not, not able decide on kind of license has.

help appreciated.

thank you.

permission hereby granted, free of charge, person obtaining copy of software , associated documentation files (the "software"), deal in software without restriction, including without limitation rights use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of software, , permit persons whom software furnished so, subject following conditions:

the above copyright notice , permission notice shall included in copies or substantial portions of software.


as read last line of licensing agreement states can use framework , distribute same provided add notice in application.


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