javascript - Reddit API: User clicks through to original article instead of Reddit link. Does this violate Same Origin Policy? -

i have feed-reader displays list of articles reddit api.

when user hovers on picture, clicking on text take them original reddit link.

links loaded line of code:

let link    = $('<a>').addclass('post').attr({target: '_blank', href: permalink}).appendto(bar).text(posts[i].data.title); 
  1. is possible retrieve original article link reddit api? i.e user goes through original article, without stopping on reddit? if so, how? or user have click through subreddit?

  2. would linking original article violate same origin policy?

security on web depends on variety of mechanisms, including underlying concept of trust known same-origin policy. states if content 1 site (such granted permission access resources on system, content site share these permissions, while content site ( have granted permissions separately.[2]


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