html5 - How to display message on pattern validation? -
i added pattern attribute template
<input class="form-control" type="text" id="elementname" [(ngmodel)]="elementname" name="elementname" (input)="onelementnamechanged()" #name="ngmodel" required pattern="[a-za-z0-9_)*\s]*" >
how add message display if input not correct?
something wont work:
<div [hidden]="!name.errors.pattern" class="alert alert-danger"> name must match pattern </div>
i advise use reactiveforms
instead of templatedrivenforms
manage validation patterns , messages.
an html snippet example :
<form novalidate [formgroup]="user" (ngsubmit)="onsubmit()"> <div formgroupname="account"> <md-input-container> <input md-input type="text" placeholder="{{'' | translate}} *" formcontrolname="email" autocomplete="off"> <md-hint class="error" *ngif="user.get('').haserror('required') && user.get('').touched"> {{'validator.email_rq' | translate}} </md-hint> <md-hint class="error" *ngif="user.get('').haserror('pattern') && user.get('').touched"> {{'validator.wrong_email' | translate}} </md-hint> </md-input-container> <md-input-container> <input md-input type="password" placeholder="{{'user.password' | translate}} *" minlength="6" formcontrolname="password" autocomplete="off"> <md-hint class="error" *ngif="user.get('account.password').haserror('required') && user.get('account.password').touched"> {{'validator.pwd_rq' | translate}} </md-hint> </md-input-container> </div> <button md-raised-button [disabled]="!user.valid || submitted" color="accent" type="submit" class="submit-button"> {{'login.button' | translate}} </button> </form>
this html example shows login form validation. note how md-hint
elements show when form has validation errors on specific fields.
you can set interface match reactiveform
. here interface linked example :
export interface account { account: { email: string; password: string; } }
the typescript example snippet :
import { formgroup, formbuilder, validators } '@angular/forms'; import { emailregex } 'app/shared/shared.interface'; // imported regex validator ... user: formgroup; ngoninit() { ... // init reactive form this.user ={ account:{ email: ['', [validators.required, validators.pattern(emailregex)]], password: ['', validators.required] }) }); }
please note how form groups match interface. also, can set form values there if want to, can see fields email
, password
set empty string value. note can add validators want in array linked field.
you can access form values on submit()
directly primary formgroup
if example wasn't enough, suggest read todd motto's guide on reactiveforms
explained :
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