apache - laravel right server configuration for host several site -

i got laravel project uploaded on vps, can't understand how configure things have:

  • more 1 site(laravel project) on vps; (that is tricky, because configuration examples i've found talking pointing root of server public laravel's folder)
  • having .env , .composer , system folders not accesible directly;

  • wich right user , permission set on various folders;

in system ive :

  1. www-data classic apache group standard privileges;
  2. a non root user, used access mysql , ftp service;
  3. a root user;

i'm using apache2 on ubuntu server 16.04.

according question, assume want host multiple laravel sites on vps without messing up!

here go! let's assume create directories of site in /var/www directory because it's basic apache directory be.

configuration site 1:
->virtual host site 1

<virtualhost *:80>     documentroot "var/www/site1/public"     servername www.site1.com      # other directives here </virtualhost> 

-> directory site 1 (upload project here): /var/www/site1

configuration site 2:
->virtual host site 2

<virtualhost *:80>     documentroot "var/www/site2/public"     servername www.site2.com      # other directives here </virtualhost> 

-> directory site 2 (upload project here): /var/www/site2

here trick! laravel have index.php file in public folder of project, domains point /var/www/site-x/public folder specific site! have own composer , config files in /var/www/site-x/ directories of own!

so, how can host multiple laravel sites on same vps without messing up! using same technique! think it's 1 trick so! let me know if works!


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