c - error C2059: syntax error :"->" and ";" -

when trying compile program, got these errors:

1>e:\workspace_for_c\02-3\02-3\02-3\02-3.cpp(83): error c2059: syntax       error:“new” 1>e:\workspace_for_c\02-3\02-3\02-3\02-3.cpp(84): error c2059: syntax error:“->” 1>e:\workspace_for_c\02-3\02-3\02-3\02-3.cpp(89): error c2059: syntax error:“;” 1>e:\workspace_for_c\02-3\02-3\02-3\02-3.cpp(90): error c2059: syntax error:“->” 1>e:\workspace_for_c\02-3\02-3\02-3\02-3.cpp(105): error c2059: syntax error:“;” 

my code:

enter image description here

enter image description here

note:i using windows 7 vs 2010

it looks have c code you're trying compile if c++, in language new reserved word. change suffix .cpp .c , use of new should not cause problem (although it's bad idea use keywords common programming languages variable names).


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