python - How to extract Second to Byte offset for a MP4? -

how second offset byte offset mp4 video/audio? able "webm" not mp4. following code takes input of video/audio , outputs tuples containing (time offset,byte offset).

from ebml.schema import ebmldocument, unknownelement, container, binary  def fill_video_info(element, offset, video_info):   if == 'duration':     video_info['duration'] = element.value    if == 'displaywidth':     video_info['width'] = element.value    if == 'displayheight':     video_info['height'] = element.value    if == 'cluster':     video_info['clusters'].append({'offset': offset})    if == 'timecode':     video_info['clusters'][-1]['timecode'] = element.value    if element.type == container:     sub_el in element.value:       fill_video_info(sub_el, offset + element.head_size, video_info)       offset += sub_el.size  import sys import json import os def getinfo(filename):    mod_name, _, cls_name = 'ebml.schema.matroska.matroskadocument'.rpartition('.')   try:     doc_mod = __import__(mod_name, fromlist=[cls_name])     doc_cls = getattr(doc_mod, cls_name)   except importerror:     parser.error('unable import module %s' % mod_name)   except attributeerror:     parser.error('unable import class %s %s' % (cls_name, mod_name))    video_info = {}   video_info['filename'] = filename   video_info['total_size'] = os.stat(filename).st_size   video_info['clusters'] = []    open(filename, 'rb') stream:     doc = doc_cls(stream)     offset = 0     el in doc.roots:       fill_video_info(el, offset, video_info)       offset += el.size    return video_info  if __name__ == '__main__':     print json.dumps(getinfo(sys.argv[1]))     pass 

any idea on how mp4?


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