jquery - How to achieve accordion functionality with load more option? -

i want display categories accordion load more functionality. first time, want display 3-4 categories, want displaying remaining categories after click on load more link. should load less if click again on link.

for ref. please see screenshot : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0b4pokeydrxwebhjabmdxbfvty2m/view

i using below code :

    <div class="cat-dropdown" style="margin:25px 0; width:100%; float:left; clear:both">         <?php         $parentcatid = mage::registry('current_category')->getid();          $root = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($parentcatid);         $subcat = explode(',',$root->getchildren());           $collection  = $root                      ->getcollection()                      ->addattributetoselect("*")                      ->addfieldtofilter("entity_id", array("in", $subcat) );         ?> <div class="products-grid first odd brand_list1">                 <?php foreach($collection $catname){                      $qty = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($catname->getid())->getproductcount();?>                            <div class="selected item<?php if (($i - 1) % $_columncount == 0): ?> first<?php elseif ($i % $_columncount == 0): ?> last<?php endif; ?>">                                 <div class="cat-custom-img">                                 <h2 class="lavel-1"><a href="<?php echo $catname->geturl(); ?>"><?php echo $catname->getname(); ?></a></h2>                                <?php if($catname['sliderimage']) {  ?>                                 <img src="<?php echo mage::getbaseurl('media').'catalog/category/'.$catname['sliderimage']; ?>" alt= "" >                                <?php } ?>                                </div>           <?php $_category = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($catname->getid()) ?>             <?php $_subcategories = $_category->getchildrencategories() ?>                                 <?php if (count($_subcategories) > 0){ ?>                                     <div class="catlist-toggle">                                         <div class="catlist-toggle-inner">                                         <ul class="second_level_cat mylist">                                             <?php $limit=1; ?>                                              <?php foreach($_subcategories $_subcategory){ ?>                                                     <li class="hide">                                                         <h2><a href="<?php echo $_subcategory->geturl(); ?>">                                                             <?php echo $_subcategory->getname(); ?>                                                             </a>                                                         </h2>                                                         <?php $_subcategory1 = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($_subcategory->getid()) ?>                                                         <?php $_subsubcategories1 = $_subcategory1->getchildrencategories() ?>                                                         <?php if (count($_subsubcategories1) > 0){ ?>                                                                <ul class="third_level_cat mylist">                                                                  <?php foreach($_subsubcategories1 $_subsubcategory){ ?>                                                                  <li class="hide">                                                                     <h2><a href="<?php echo $_subsubcategory->geturl(); ?>" >                                                                         <?php echo $_subsubcategory->getname(); ?>                                                                     </a></h2>                                                                     <?php $_subcategory2 = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($_subsubcategory->getid()) ?>                                                                     <?php $_subsubcategories2 = $_subcategory2->getchildrencategories() ?>                                                                     <?php if (count($_subsubcategories2) > 0){ ?>                                                                            <ul class="fourth_level_cat mylist">                                                                              <?php foreach($_subsubcategories2 $_subsubcategory2){ ?>                                                                              <li class="hide">                                                                                 <h2><a href="<?php echo $_subsubcategory2->geturl(); ?>" >                                                                                     <?php echo $_subsubcategory2->getname(); ?>                                                                                 </a></h2>                                                                              </li>                                                                             <?php }  ?>                                                                         </ul>                                                                     <?php } ?>                                                                  </li>                                                                 <?php }  ?>                                                             </ul>                                                         <?php } ?>                                                     </li>                                                     <?php $limit++; ?>                                                     <?php // if($limit == 3){break;} ?>                                               <?php } ?>                                         <li class=""><div class="load-more">load more</div></li>                                          </ul>                                         </div>                                     </div>                                 <?php } ?>                            </div>                 <?php   } ?>             </div>     </div>     <script>     jquery('.cat-dropdown').navaccordion({      expandbuttontext : "+",        collapsebuttontext: "-",        selectedexpand: "true",         selectedclass: "selected",       buttonposition: "right",         headersonly: false,         headersonlycheck: false,       delaylink: false,         delayamount: null      });     </script>  <script> jquery(document).ready(function(){    jquery(".load-more").click(function(){     jquery(this).closest('.selected').find('.catlist-toggle').toggleclass('expand');        });    jquery(".accordion-btn").click(function(){     jquery(this).closest('.selected').find('.catlist-toggle').addclass('expand');       });  });  </script>    <style> .selected.item{width: 23%;float: left;margin: 0 10px 55px 10px;} .catlist-toggle{position: relative; } .catlist-toggle.expand{height:auto;overflow:initial;} .catlist-toggle.expand .catlist-toggle-inner ul{height:auto;overflow:initial;} .catlist-toggle .catlist-toggle-inner{position: relative;  width: 100%;    top:0;    left: 0; background:#fff; z-index:9999;} .catlist-toggle .catlist-toggle-inner ul{ z-index:9999; height: 220px;overflow:hidden; width:100%;} .catlist-toggle .load-more{position: absolute;  width: 100%;    bottom:0;    left: 0; background:#ddd; color:#000;}  .cat-custom-img .level-1{ width: 70%;} .cat-custom-img img{ width: 20%;float: right; margin-top: -71px;}  </style> 

use below code:

<div class="" style="margin:25px 0; width:100%; float:left; clear:both">     <?php     $parentcatid = mage::registry('current_category')->getid();      $root = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($parentcatid);     $subcat = explode(',',$root->getchildren());       $collection  = $root                  ->getcollection()                  ->addattributetoselect("*")                  ->addfieldtofilter("entity_id", array("in", $subcat) );     ?>     <div class="accord-outer">         <?php foreach($collection $catname){  ?>         <div class="accord-section">             <div class="accord">                 <ul>                     <?php $qty = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($catname->getid())->getproductcount();?>                     <li class="selected parent">                                                 <a href="<?php echo $catname->geturl(); ?>"><?php echo $catname->getname(); ?></a>                        <?php if($catname['sliderimage']) {  ?>                         <img src="<?php echo mage::getbaseurl('media').'catalog/category/'.$catname['sliderimage']; ?>" alt= "" >                        <?php } ?>                      </li>                      <?php $_category = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($catname->getid()) ?>                     <?php $_subcategories = $_category->getchildrencategories() ?>                     <?php if (count($_subcategories) > 0){ ?>                                                        <?php $limit=1; ?>                         <?php foreach($_subcategories $_subcategory){ ?>                                 <li class="parent">                                     <a href="<?php echo $_subcategory->geturl(); ?>">                                         <?php echo $_subcategory->getname(); ?>                                     </a>                                      <?php $_subcategory1 = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($_subcategory->getid()) ?>                                     <?php $_subsubcategories1 = $_subcategory1->getchildrencategories() ?>                                     <?php if (count($_subsubcategories1) > 0){ ?>                                            <ul class="">                                              <?php foreach($_subsubcategories1 $_subsubcategory){ ?>                                              <li class="">                                                 <a href="<?php echo $_subsubcategory->geturl(); ?>" >                                                     <?php echo $_subsubcategory->getname(); ?>                                                 </a>                                                 <?php $_subcategory2 = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($_subsubcategory->getid()) ?>                                                 <?php $_subsubcategories2 = $_subcategory2->getchildrencategories() ?>                                                 <?php if (count($_subsubcategories2) > 0){ ?>                                                        <ul class="">                                                          <?php foreach($_subsubcategories2 $_subsubcategory2){ ?>                                                          <li class="">                                                             <a href="<?php echo $_subsubcategory2->geturl(); ?>" >                                                                 <?php echo $_subsubcategory2->getname(); ?>                                                             </a>                                                          </li>                                                         <?php }  ?>                                                     </ul>                                                 <?php } ?>                                              </li>                                             <?php }  ?>                                         </ul>                                     <?php } ?>                                 </li>                                 <?php $limit++; ?>                           <?php } ?>                                              <?php } ?>                    <li class="parent load"><span class="loadmore">load more</span><span class="loadless">load less</span></li>                 </ul>             </div>         </div>         <?php } ?>     </div> </div>   <script> jquery('document').ready(function(){     jquery('.accord').navaccordion({      // text inside of expand button     expandbuttontext : "+",       // text inside of collapse button     collapsebuttontext: "-",        // expand selected channel     selectedexpand: "true",         // class used detect selected channel     // check "parentelement" class (the parent <li> default)     selectedclass: "selected",        // apply accordion levels     // setting false apply accordion first level     multiplelevels: "true",        // width of accordion expand/collapse button percentage or pixels     buttonwidth: "20%",        // position of button     buttonposition: "right",        // speed of slide animation     // "fast", "slow", or number in milliseconds such 500     slidespeed: "fast",         // parent element type, class or id     // don't need change if you're using ul > li > ul pattern     parentelement: "li",        // child element type, class or id      // don't need change if you're using ul > li > ul pattern     childelement: "ul",         // setting true make link sub-nav behave if set header only, making link inaccessible     // option useful if using plugin non-navigation area      headersonly: false,        // setting true apply accordion links set "header only" (have no href)     headersonlycheck: false,      // delay following href of links until after accordion has expanded     delaylink: false,        // time in milliseconds delay before following href - use "slidespeed" default if nothing else set      delayamount: null      });      function accord(ac){         //console.log(ac);         var total = jquery(ac).find('ul li.parent').length;          //console.log(total);         if(total > 5){                       jquery(ac).find('ul li.parent').each(function(i) {                 if(i==1){                     jquery( ).toggleclass( "visible" );                 }                 else if(i<=3){                     jquery( ).toggleclass( "visible" );                 }                 else if(i == (total-1)){                     jquery( ).addclass( "button" );                 }                 else{                     jquery( ).toggleclass( "hidden" );                 }                                    });         }         else{             jquery(ac).find('ul li.parent.load').hide();             //alert('afsdfdf');         }     }      jquery('.accord-outer .accord-section').each(function(){                             accord(jquery(this).children('.accord'));                        })     jquery('.load').click(function(event){           accord(jquery(this).closest('.accord'));             jquery(this).find('.loadless').removeclass("accordion-active");         jquery(this).find('.loadless').toggleclass("active");         jquery(this).find('.loadmore').toggleclass("active");        });     jquery(".loadless").click(function(){         jquery(this).closest('.accord').find('li.parent.active ul').css('display', 'none');         jquery(this).closest('.accord').find('li.parent.active .accordion-collapsed').css('display', 'inline-block');         jquery(this).closest('.accord').find('li.parent.active .accordion-expanded').css('display', 'none');      });  }); </script>  <style>     .accord-outer{width:100%; float:left;}     .accord{width:25%; float:left; margin:0 0 20px;}     .visible{display:block;}     .hidden{display:none;}     .loadmore{display:inline-block;}     .loadless{display:none;}     .loadmore.active{display:none;}     .loadless.active{display:inline-block;}     .accord { background: #46cfb0; width: 25%;}      /* first level */      .accord ul {margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #1abc9c; }     .accord ul li { border-top: 1px solid #1abc9c; }     .accord ul li { color: #ffffff; display: block; font-size: 1.1em; line-height: normal; padding: 12px 20px; text-decoration: none; }     .accord ul li a:hover { background: #e95546; text-decoration: none;       /* second level */      .accord ul ul { border-bottom: none }     .accord ul ul li { border-top: 1px solid #46cfb0; background: #34bc9d; }     .accord ul ul li { color: #ffffff; display: block; font-size: 1em; line-height: normal; padding: 0.5em 1em 0.5em 2.5em; }     .accord ul ul li a:hover { background: #e95546; }      /* third level */      .accord ul ul ul { border-top: 1px solid #46cfb0; }     .accord ul ul ul li { border: none; }     .accord ul ul ul li {  padding-left: 3.5em; padding-top: 0.25em; padding-bottom: 0.25em; }      /* accordion button */      ul li.has-subnav .accordion-btn { color: #fff; background: rgba(255,255,255, 0.15);  font-size: 16px; } </style> 


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