javascript - how to create an alert prompt in the controller before redirecting to a new view? -

is possible create alert prompt in controller before redirecting new view? want make users acknowledge message in current view before directing them next view

using system.web.mvc; using; using mvcapplication.models;  [httppost] public actionresult login(loginmodel model, string returnurl) {     if (!this.modelstate.isvalid)     {         return this.view(model);     }      if (membership.validateuser(model.username, model.password))     {         formsauthentication.setauthcookie(model.username, model.rememberme);  ***// here! create alert close button using javascript , make user acknowledge clicking button , closing alert before redirecting user***           if (this.url.islocalurl(returnurl) && returnurl.length > 1 && returnurl.startswith("/")             && !returnurl.startswith("//") && !returnurl.startswith("/\\"))         {             return this.redirect(returnurl);         }          return this.redirecttoaction("index", "home");     }      this.modelstate.addmodelerror(string.empty, "the user name or password provided incorrect.");      return this.view(model); } 

return method view message, link and/or auto-redirect.

it's not possible "pause" processing of controllers send messages user!!


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