mapreduce - Hadoop MR - HLL : Union of two different size HLL is throwing exception -

i'm using hll in mapreduce code. in combiner side, hll size of log2m=8, registerwidth=8 used store data. on reducer side, hll size of log2m=26, registerwidth=8 used union map side hll. i'm getting exception when trying union. 2 questions are, 1) possible union 2 different size hll? 2) if answer question 1 yes, missing?

combiner: hll maphll = new hll(8,8) ; maphll.addraw(murmurhash64(userid));  valueobject.sethll(maphll);  reducer: hll reducehll = new hll(26,8) ; for(iterator itr : values){ reduerhll.union(itr.gethll()); } 

also, i'm using hll tobytes & frombytes method serializing hll data.

below exception stack trace, 17/04/06 10:56:20 info mapreduce.job: task id : attempt_1490152294761_13920_r_000040_1, status : failed error: java.lang.arrayindexoutofboundsexception: 4512149     @ net.agkn.hll.util.bitvector.setmaxregister(     @ net.agkn.hll.hll.addrawprobabilistic(     @ net.agkn.hll.hll.addraw(     @ net.agkn.hll.hll.heterogenousunion(     @ net.agkn.hll.hll.union(     @ com.yumecorp.yfa.yfaimsuniqueviewerhllmr$yfaimsuniqueviewerhllreducer.reduce(     @ com.yumecorp.yfa.yfaimsuniqueviewerhllmr$yfaimsuniqueviewerhllreducer.reduce(     @     @ org.apache.hadoop.mapred.reducetask.runnewreducer(     @     @ org.apache.hadoop.mapred.yarnchild$     @ method)     @     @     @ org.apache.hadoop.mapred.yarnchild.main( 

let me know if additional information required flavor of issue.


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