swift - iOS tableview how can I check if it is scrolling up or down -

i learning how work tableviews , wondering how can figure out if tableview scrolling or down ? been trying various things such hasn't worked granted below scrollview , have tableview . suggestions great new @ ...

  func scrollviewwillbegindragging(_ scrollview: uiscrollview) {     if scrollview.pangesturerecognizer.translation(in: scrollview).y < 0 {         print("down")     } else {         print("up")     } } 

this have in tableview code

func tableview(_ tableview:uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section:int) -> int {         return locations.count     }      func tableview(tableview: uitableview, willdisplaycell cell: uitableviewcell, forrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) {         if indexpath.row == self.posts.count - 4 {              reloadtable(latmin: self.latmin,latmax: self.latmax,lonmin: self.lonmin,lonmax: self.lonmax,my_id: myid)             print("load more")         }      }       func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, cellforrowat indexpath: indexpath) -> uitableviewcell {         let cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecell(withidentifier: "homepagetvc", for: indexpath) as! newcell      cell.post.text = posts[indexpath.row]    cell.fullname.settitle(fullname[indexpath.row],for: uicontrolstate.normal)          return cell     } 

like @maddy said in comment of question, can check if uitableview scrolling using uiscrollviewdelegate , further more check direction scrolls using both scrollviewdidscroll , scrollviewwillbegindragging functions

// set variable hold contentoffset before scroll view scrolls var lastcontentoffset: cgfloat = 0  // delegate called when scrollview (i.e uitableview) start scrolling func scrollviewwillbegindragging(scrollview: uiscrollview) {     self.lastcontentoffset = scrollview.contentoffset.y }  // while scrolling delegate being called may check direction scrollview being scrolled func scrollviewdidscroll(scrollview: uiscrollview) {     if (self.lastcontentoffset < scrollview.contentoffset.y) {         // moved top     } else if (self.lastcontentoffset > scrollview.contentoffset.y) {         // moved bottom     } else {         // didn't move     } } 

furthermore: don't need subclass uiviewcontroller uiscrollviewdelegate if you've subclassed uiviewcontroller uitableviewdelegate because uitableviewdelegate subclass of uiscrollviewdelegate


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