how to filter a simple message via LogStash to ElasticSearch dividing the message in multiple fields -
this input file:
{"meta":"","level":"error","message":"clienterrorhandler: erro não previsto ou mapeado durante chamada dos serviços.","timestamp":"2017-04-06t16:08:37.861z"} {"meta":"","level":"error","message":"clienterrorhandler: erro não previsto ou mapeado durante chamada dos serviços.","timestamp":"2017-04-06t19:40:17.682z"}
basically, such log outcome of nodejs application via winstom module. doubt focuses how adjust logstash filter in order 4 fields created in elasticsearch.
my intention see "columns" (properties or fileds may better words in elasticsearch context guess): level (eg. error), message_source (eg. clienterrorhandler), message_content (eg. erro não ...serviços) , error_time without nanoseconds (eg. 2017-04-06t19:40:17).
i got stuck on point:
1 - used logstash.conf
input { file { path => "/home/demetrio/dev/testes_manuais/elk/logs/*" start_position => "beginning" } } filter { grok { match => { "message" => '%{syslog5424sd:loglevel} %{timestamp_iso8601:date} %{greedydata:content}' } } date { match => [ "date", "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss" ] locale => en } } output { stdout { codec => plain { charset => "iso-8859-1" } } elasticsearch { hosts => "" index => "dmz-logs-indice" } }
2 - search elasticsearch via kibana devtools
get _search { "query": { "match_all": {} } }
and saw:
{ "took": 5, "timed_out": false, "_shards": { "total": 6, "successful": 6, "failed": 0 }, "hits": { "total": 3, "max_score": 1, "hits": [ { "_index": ".kibana", "_type": "config", "_id": "5.3.0", "_score": 1, "_source": { "buildnum": 14823 } }, { "_index": "dmz-logs-indice", "_type": "logs", "_id": "avtjlz5x6gscwn5fxxa_", "_score": 1, "_source": { "path": "/home/demetrio/dev/testes_manuais/elk/logs/logs.log", "@timestamp": "2017-04-07t16:09:36.996z", "@version": "1", "host": "nodejs", "message": """{"meta":"","level":"error","message":"clienterrorhandler: erro não previsto ou mapeado durante chamada dos serviços.","timestamp":"2017-04-06t16:08:37.861z"}""", "tags": [ "_grokparsefailure" ] } }, { "_index": "dmz-logs-indice", "_type": "logs", "_id": "avtjlz5x6gscwn5fxxba", "_score": 1, "_source": { "path": "/home/demetrio/dev/testes_manuais/elk/logs/logs.log", "@timestamp": "2017-04-07t16:09:36.998z", "@version": "1", "host": "nodejs", "message": """{"meta":"","level":"error","message":"clienterrorhandler: erro não previsto ou mapeado durante chamada dos serviços.","timestamp":"2017-04-06t19:40:17.682z"}""", "tags": [ "_grokparsefailure" ] } } ] } }
i guess should use regularexpresss or grok in order divide in 4 peaces:
1 - level 2 - message come before ":" 3 - message come after ":" 4 - timestamp
and, if possible, provide better column (field/property) labels like:
1 - level 2 - message_source 3 - message_content 4 - error_time
and remove timestamp nanoseconds
ps. in case future reader interested on how logging in nodejs, here are:
var winston = require('winston'); winston.emiterrs = true; var logger = new winston.logger({ transports: [ new winston.transports.file({ level: 'error', filename: './logs/logs.log', handleexceptions: true, json: true, maxsize: 5242880, //5mb maxfiles: 5, colorize: false, prettyprint: true }) ], exitonerror: false }); ... function clienterrorhandler(err, req, res, next) { logger.log("error","clienterrorhandler: erro não previsto ou mapeado durante chamada dos serviços.",err.message); res.send(500, { error: 'erro genérico!' }); } app.use(clienterrorhandler);
ps2: read questions filter specific message logstash before sending elasticsearch stuck
since application outputs log json string, can configure logstash parse log json. simple adding codec => "json"
file input configuration.
below example configuration scenario:
input { file { path => "/home/demetrio/dev/testes_manuais/elk/logs/*" start_position => "beginning" codec => "json" } } filter { # matches `timestamp` field `@timestamp` field kibana consume. date { match => [ "timestamp", "iso8601" ] remove_field => [ "timestamp" ] } } output { stdout { # codec gives more details event. codec => rubydebug } elasticsearch { hosts => "" index => "dmz-logs-indice" } }
this sample stdout
{ "path" => "/home/demetrio/dev/testes_manuais/elk/logs/demo.log", "@timestamp" => 2017-04-06t19:40:17.682z, "level" => "error", "meta" => "", "@version" => "1", "host" => "dbf718c4b8e4", "message" => "clienterrorhandler: erro não previsto ou mapeado durante chamada dos serviços.", }
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