PowerShell Extract from zip file 17 folders deep -
i have zip file automatically created , can't change number of folders within it.
i trying extract contents folder 17 folders deep within zip file. issue name of folders can change.
i started use 7zip extract zip folder , works fine:
$zipexe = join-path ${env:programfiles(x86)} '7-zip\7z.exe' if (-not (test-path $zipexe)) { $zipexe = join-path ${env:programw6432} '7-zip\7z.exe' if (-not (test-path $zipexe)) { '7-zip not exist on system.' } } set-alias zip "c:\program files\7-zip\7z.exe" zip x $webdeployfolder -o \$webdeploytempfolder
is there way extract content in folder 17 folders deep within zip file?
you can use 7zip's listing function contents of file. can parse output, looking folder 17 levels , use path extract contents.
below chunk of code that.
$7zip = "${env:programfiles(x86)}\7-zip\7z.exe" $archivefile = "c:\temp\archive.zip" $extractpath = "c:\temp" $archivelevel = 17 # contents list zip file $zipcontents = & $7zip l $archivefile # filter contents folders, described "d" in attr column $contents = $zipcontents | where-object { $_ -match "\sd(\.|[a-z]){4}\s"} # line folder level defined in $archivelevel present $folderline = $contents | where-object { ($_ -split "\\").count -eq ($archivelevel) } # folder path line $folderpath = $folderline -split "\s" | where-object { $_ } | select-object -last 1 # extract folder desired path. includes entire folder tree contents of desired folder level start-process $7zip -argumentlist "x $archivefile","-o$extractpath","$folderpath" -wait # move contents of desired level top of path move-item (join-path $extractpath $folderpath) -destination $extractpath # remove remaining empty folder tree remove-item (join-path $extractpath ($folderpath -split "\\" | select-object -first 1)) -recurse
there couple of caveats in code. couldn't find way extract folder without full path/parensts. cleaned in end. note parent folders not contain other files or folders. also, had use "start-process" @ end or 7zip break variable input.
you have change bit depending on zip file structure, should going.
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