python 3.x - Need guide to coding CSV File -

now, have code parse xml website

    def value2(): station in tree.findall('./stations/'):     if station.tag == 'station':         item1 in station:             if  item1.tag == 'stationid':                   print(item1.tag, item1.text)                 wf.writerow([item1.text])   ###need guide         item2 in station:             if  item2.tag == 'nameth':                  print(item2.tag, item2.text)                 wf.writerow([item2.text])  ###need guide         item3 in station:             if  item3.tag == 'nameen':                 print(item3.tag, item3.text)           item4 in station:             if  item4.tag == 'areath':                          print(item4.tag, item4.text)         item5 in station:             if  item5.tag == 'areaen':                          print(item5.tag, item5.text)         item6 in station:             if  item6.tag == 'stationtype':                 print(item6.tag, item6.text)         item7 in station:             if  item7.tag == 'lat':                 print(item7.tag, item7.text)    wf.writerow([item1.text],[item2.text],[item3.text])   ###try test     dates = time.strftime("%y%m%d")    outpath = r"c:\users\gistda59\desktop\test" + "\\" + dates    if not os.path.exists(outpath):      os.makedirs(outpath)    f = open(outpath + "\\" + "pm10daily-" + dates + ".csv","w",newline='')    wf = csv.writer(f) wf.writerow (["stationid","nameth","nameen","areath","areaen","stationtype","latitude","longitude","date","time","pm10","o3","no2","so2","aqi"]) print ("\n\t\t***** xml csv on air4thai*****\n") air4thaiurl = ''  ### url ### resp = requests.get(air4thaiurl) msg = resp.content tree = et.fromstring(msg) value1() value2()  f.close() 

but need guide write on csv seem write on first column not write other column. try


from code

it's not effective. need output csv thx , guide me.


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