typescript - Dynamic ion-tabs in ionic 2 using ngFor -

i using ionic 2 application, want dynamic tabs in application, not able that


<ion-tabs #maintabs [selectedindex]="myselectedindex">   <ion-tab *ngfor="let circle of circles" [tabroot]="gotomemberlistpage(circle)" title="{{circle.name}}"></ion-tab>\ </ion-tabs> 


gotomemberlistpage(circle) {  this.navctrl.push(memberlistpage, circle); } 

i don't know whether full or not following below snippet can pass dynamic tabs using ionic 2 , typescript


<ion-tabs>  <ion-tab *ngfor="let tab of tabs" [root]="tab.root" [tabtitle]="tab.title"    [tabicon]="tab.icon"></ion-tab> </ion-tabs> 


import { component } '@angular/core'; import { navcontroller } 'ionic-angular'; import { aboutpage } '../about/about'; import { contactpage } '../contact/contact'; import { homepage } '../home/home';  @component({  templateurl: 'tabs.html' }) export class tabspage { public tabs; public navctrl: navcontroller constructor() { this.tabs = [   { title: "home", root: homepage, icon: "home" },   { title: "about", root: aboutpage, icon: "information-circle" },   { title: "contact", root: contactpage, icon: "contacts" } ];  } } 


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