excel - VBA Copy & Paste only selecting 2 cells based on active sheet -
i'm getting strange error code whereby if don't have sheet soh active before running macro copy cells b1 & b2 other workbook template build.
i've attached workings below.
public sub info_copy() dim lastrow integer dim soh excel.workbook set soh = workbooks("stockoh") dim template excel.workbook set template = workbooks("template build") lastrow = activesheet.cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row soh.sheets("nsf").activate range("b2:b" & lastrow).copy template.sheets("sheet1").activate range("b2").select activesheet.paste
you counting number of rows on active sheet because used activesheet
if don't want use active sheet each time need tell exactly sheet use. example:
lastrow = workbooks("someworkbook").worksheets("somesheet").cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row
it's difficult tell, guess need this
lastrow = soh.worksheets("soh").cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row
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