forms - Paths/links with unique ID's angular2 -

i'm creating quiz making/sharing website using angular2 not sure how share quizzes. thinking of using each of quizzes identifiers urls. quizzes made using forms , saved on docmentdb json. have unique id's identify them. ideas how this?

those urls must dynamically created, new quizzes can submitted , thereafter accessed.

you can use same base url page quiz, differentiate quizzes path parameter like:    (12 being quiz id) 

inside component can read path parameters located in url , values accessing activateroute object:


import { component } '@angular/core'; import { activatedroute } '@angular/router';  @component({     templateurl: 'quizcomponent.html', }) export class quizcomponent {      constructor(private activatedroute: activatedroute){}       ngoninit() {          // reason being observable can watch              parameter changing (manually in url, or programmatically)              , without page refresh, read new parameter , change quiz           this.activatedroute.params.subscribe(params => {             console.log(params.quizid);             // parameter can make call rest api , return                    data quiz           });     } } 


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