tfs - TeamBuild command behaviour different to running in command prompt -

we using tfs 2015 , trying build website project using npm , jspm. during development have been running "npm install" , "jspm install" command line when adding new packages etc, , has worked fine. i'm trying project building on tfs. have tried adding following .csproj:

<target name="afterbuild">     <exec command="attrib -r .dependencies.json" workingdirectory=".\jspm_packages" />     <exec command="attrib -r jspm.config.js" workingdirectory="." />     <exec command="attrib -r package.json" workingdirectory="." />     <exec command=".bin\npm install" workingdirectory="." />     <exec command=".bin\jspm install -y" workingdirectory="." />     <exec command=".bin\node build.js --minify --sourcemaps" condition="'$(configuration)|$(platform)' == 'release|anycpu'" workingdirectory="." />   </target> 

and, separate attempt working, tried creating .cmd file (tfsbuild.cmd):

attrib -r "jspm_packages\.dependencies.json" attrib -r "jspm.config.js" attrib -r "package.json" call .bin\npm install > _npm.log call .bin\jspm install -y > _jspm.log call .bin\node build.js --minify --sourcemaps > _nodebuild.log 

and calling .csproj

<exec command="tfsbuild.cmd" condition="'$(configuration)|$(platform)' == 'release|anycpu'" workingdirectory="." /> 

all builds try fail, saying jspm install command exited code 1. note feeding output of commands .log files understand problem. if run tfsbuild.cmd directly folder .csproj file ends on tfs build machine, works correctly, , jspm.log file output expected response: (truncated)

     creating registry cache... ok   jquery.ui.position npm:jquery.ui.position@^1.11.4 (1.11.4) ok   respond.js npm:respond.js@^1.4.2 (1.4.2) ok   jquery2 npm:jquery@2.2.4 (2.2.4) ok   jquery1 npm:jquery@1.12.3 (1.12.3) ok   modernizr github:modernizr/modernizr@2.6.2 (2.6.2) ok   bootstrap-datetimepicker github:smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker@2.3.9 (2.3.9) ok   js-xlsxactual github:sheetjs/js-xlsx@0.8.0 (0.8.0) ok   rangy github:timdown/rangy-release@^1.3.0 (1.3.0) ok   jquery-validation github:jquery-validation/jquery-validation@1.8.1 (jzaefferer/jquery-validation@1.8.1) ok   jquery-validation-unobtrusive github:aspnet/jquery-validation-unobtrusive@3.2.2 (3.2.2) ok   knockout github:knockout/knockout@3.4.0 (3.4.0) ok   installed peer jsbn npm:jsbn@0.1 (0.1.1) ok   installed npm:tweetnacl@^0.14.3 (0.14.5) ok   installed npm:chartjs-color@^2.0.0 (2.1.0) ok   installed npm:get-stdin@^4.0.1 (4.0.1) ok   installed npm:glob@^7.0.3 (7.1.1) ok   installed npm:lodash.mergewith@^4.6.0 (4.6.0) ok   installed npm:meow@^3.7.0 (3.7.0) ok   installed npm:lodash.clonedeep@^4.3.2 (4.5.0) ok   installed npm:npmlog@^4.0.0 (4.0.2) ok   installed npm:in-publish@^2.0.0 (2.0.0) ok   installed npm:cross-spawn@^3.0.0 (3.0.1) ok   installed npm:async-foreach@^0.1.3 (0.1.3) ok   installed npm:gaze@^1.0.0 (1.1.2) ... 

however, when calling tfsbuild.cmd build process, output jspm.log different, , returning code 1 msbuild, hence build failing. (entire file)

     downloading npm:font-awesome@4.7.0      downloading npm:jquery@2.2.4      downloading npm:jquery@1.12.3      downloading npm:respond.js@1.4.2      downloading npm:emojione@2.2.7      downloading npm:jquery.ui.position@1.11.4  warn installation changes not saved. 

i stuck why commands behaving differently when run msbuild. appreciated. thank you.


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