google maps - Android - Tracking using GPS, getMap depricated -

this question has answer here:

public class locationactivity extends fragmentactivity implements         locationlistener,         googleapiclient.connectioncallbacks,         googleapiclient.onconnectionfailedlistener {      private static final string tag = "locationactivity";     private static final long interval = 1000 * 60 * 1; //1 minute     private static final long fastest_interval = 1000 * 60 * 1; // 1 minute     button btnfusedlocation;     textview tvlocation;     locationrequest mlocationrequest;     googleapiclient mgoogleapiclient;     location mcurrentlocation;     string mlastupdatetime;     googlemap googlemap;      protected void createlocationrequest() {         mlocationrequest = new locationrequest();         mlocationrequest.setinterval(interval);         mlocationrequest.setfastestinterval(fastest_interval);         mlocationrequest.setpriority(locationrequest.priority_high_accuracy);     }      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         if (!isgoogleplayservicesavailable()) {             finish();         }         createlocationrequest();         mgoogleapiclient = new googleapiclient.builder(this)                 .addapi(locationservices.api)                 .addconnectioncallbacks(this)                 .addonconnectionfailedlistener(this)                 .build();          setcontentview(r.layout.activity_location_google_map);         supportmapfragment fm = (supportmapfragment) getsupportfragmentmanager()                 .findfragmentbyid(;         googlemap = fm.getmap();         googlemap.getuisettings().setzoomcontrolsenabled(true);     } } 

i'm trying track using gps , plot location on map. tried above code getmap depricated , i'm getting screen on phone. me how solve issue? in advance :)

getmap() need implement onmapreadycallback in class

public class locationactivity extends fragmentactivity implements     locationlistener,     googleapiclient.connectioncallbacks,     googleapiclient.onconnectionfailedlistener, onmapreadycallback  { 

and override the: onmapready() function

@override public void onmapready(googlemap map) {     googlemap = map;     googlemap.getuisettings().setzoomcontrolsenabled(true);     //add code here } 

also in code add:

supportmapfragment fm = (supportmapfragment) getsupportfragmentmanager()             .findfragmentbyid(; fm.getmapasync(this);  

and in layout:

<fragment     android:id="@+id/map"     android:name=""     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="match_parent"> 


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