bash - TestNG ERROR No test suite found. Nothing to run -

i have problem run test suite command line.

java -jar test.jar /home/user01/jenkins/run_suite/test-suites/test.xml  (no such file or directory) @ method) @ @<init>( @<init>( @ org.testng.xml.parser.parse( @ org.testng.testng.initializesuitesandjarfile( @ [testng] [error] no test suite found. nothing run usage: <main class> [options] xml suite files run 

but if in directory

[user01@xxxx ~]$ ll /home/user01/jenkins/run_suite/test-suites/test.xml  -rwxrwxrwx 1 user01 user01 233 apr  7 16:07 /home/user01/jenkins/run_suite/test-suites/test.xml 

i've changed permission 777

chmod -r 777 /home/user01/jenkins/ 

but not help. same test.xml suite executed without problems eclipse

i've found issue :)

because file "test.xml" updated

sed -i 's/\(testsuite = \)/\1test-suites\/test_suite.xml/' test.xml 

i notice have white space on last line, after i've removed space issue gone, run following command

sed -i 's/\s*$//' test.xml 

working :)


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