ruby on rails - Paperclip - Upload to different S3 URLs from Different models -
i had model used paperclip , stored s3.
in paperclip.rb
bucket_name = (rails.env != 'production') ? "mcds_staging_fulltext" : 'mcds_fulltext' paperclip::attachment.default_options.merge!({ storage: :s3, s3_credentials: { bucket: bucket_name }, url: "#{customer}/static_cover_images/:style/:basename.:extension", path: "#{customer}/static_cover_images/:style/:basename.:extension" })
has_attached_file :cover_image, styles: { :original => ["100%"], :thumbnail => ["100*100", :png] } validates_attachment_content_type :cover_image, content_type: /\aimage\/.*\z/, message: 'invalid content type. please upload jpg/jpeg/png/gif' validates_attachment_size :cover_image, :in => 0.megabytes..5.megabytes, :message => 'must smaller 5 mb'
this works poperly , store images in s3 in correct location.
now have model need upload paperclip attachment different s3 location.
in model2.rb
has_attached_file :xslt paperclip::attachment.default_options.merge!({url: "#{customer}/xslts/:style/:basename.:extension"}) validates_attachment_content_type :xslt, content_type: "application/xslt+xml", message: 'invalid content type. please upload jpg/jpeg/png/gif' validates_attachment_size :xslt, :in => 0.megabytes..5.megabytes, :message => 'must smaller 5 mb'
but attachment still stores model1 s3 , not in url specified in model2.
what doing wrong?
i removed paper_clip.rb file , added paper_clip configurations in therespective models.
has_attached_file :file1, storage: :s3, s3_credentials: { bucket: bucket_name }, url: "#{customer}/cover_images/:style/:basename.:extension", path: "#{customer}/cover_images/:style/:basename.:extension"
has_attached_file :file2, storage: :s3, s3_credentials: { bucket: bucket_name }, url: "#{customer}/file2_folder/:style/:basename.:extension", path: "#{customer}/file2_folder/:style/:basename.:extension"
this stores theattachment correctly in differen s3 folders.
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