php - Use ACF checkbox value array to find "More like this" -

i'm using acf checkbox designate categories (called "aims") psychology apps/sites. values be, say, "mindfulness", "well-being" , "depression".

since it's possible select multiple values, i'd have more single post show other posts match 1 or more of categories of post.

update: here's code i'm using now, i'm still not having luck with:

the_field( 'aims'); /* since i'm on page single post, gives me aims current post , returning values checkbox multiple selections (as array, believe) */   $args = array(     'numberposts'   => -1,     'post_type'     => 'program',     'post_status'   => 'publish',     'meta_query'    => array(         'relation'      => 'and',         array(             'key'       => 'aims',             'value'     => 'well-being', /* i'd use aims current post, i've hard-coded testing, , not seeing results */             'compare'   => 'in')         ));   $more_like_this = new wp_query ($args); while ($more_like_this->have_posts()) : $more_like_this->the_post();                  $star_rating = get_field('overall_score');                   ?>                 <?php the_title(); ?>                 <?php echo $star_rating ?>                  <?php endwhile;                  wp_reset_query();                 ?> 


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