javascript - How to C#.NET encrypt() then JS WebCryptoApi decrypt() using AES-GCM? -
i want encrypt data using c# , decrypt using js.
this table suggests aes-gcm way go webcryptoapi
i using bouncycastle encrypt (and decrypt) in .net.
var message = "this test message"; var key = aesgcm.newkey(); console.out.writeline("key:" + convert.tobase64string(key)); >> key:5tgx6aohot1t9srimyiliendqxwfdjfosravfms0ed4= string encrypted = aesgcm.simpleencrypt(message, key); console.out.writeline("encrypted:" + encrypted); >> encrypted:ct0/vbovsyp/lmxaafqkkw91+ts+8uzddhlrtg1xvjpnl7kibgyb4kfdngl+xj4fyqdb4jxgdtk= var decrypted = aesgcm.simpledecrypt(encrypted, key); console.out.writeline("decrypted:" + decrypted); >> decrypted:this test message
but, can't figure out how decrypt client side. there's great list of webcryptoapi examples including aes-gcm @
first step (which seems working) import key, have base-64 encoded string:
var keystring = "+6yddiijjl8lqt60vohup25p4ynxz0crmoe/wka+mqo="; function _base64toarraybuffer(base64) { var binary_string = window.atob(base64); var len = binary_string.length; var bytes = new uint8array( len ); (var = 0; < len; i++) { bytes[i] = binary_string.charcodeat(i); } return bytes.buffer; } var key = _base64toarraybuffer(keystring ) var cryptokey; // we'll out in promise below window.crypto.subtle.importkey( "raw", key, { //this algorithm options name: "aes-gcm", }, true, // whether key extractable ["encrypt", "decrypt"] // usages ) .then(function(key){ //returns symmetric key console.log(key); cryptokey = key; }) .catch(function(err){ console.error(err); });
the final step should decrypt encoded message, base-64 encoded string
var encryptedstring = "adhb4uhm93uwyriv6l1sryfbxepibj3sqw8vwjdp7v+xoxgi6fjmuceeitp1kqwxiszp3qhoahq="; var encryptedarraybuffer = _base64toarraybuffer(encryptedstring) window.crypto.subtle.decrypt( { name: "aes-gcm", iv: new arraybuffer(12), //the initialization vector used encrypt //additionaldata: arraybuffer, //the addtionaldata used encrypt (if any) // taglength: 128, //the taglength used encrypt (if any) }, cryptokey, //from above encryptedarraybuffer //arraybuffer of data ) .then(function(decrypted){ //returns arraybuffer containing decrypted data console.log(new uint8array(decrypted)); }) .catch(function(err){ debugger; console.error(err); });
unfortunately, thowing domerror.
i have no idea supposed use "iv" in decrypt method. i've tried null, arraybuffer(0), arraybuffer(12). pretty understanding ends.
if implementation of aesgcm
, should see nonce (called iv) part of ciphertext. size set 16 bytes (noncebitsize = 128
). need read many bytes beginning of ciphertext in javascript , use remaining bytes actual ciphertext decrypted.
gcm defined nonce of 96 bit, might need change noncebitsize = 96
, read first 12 bytes.
based on this answer, need slice last 16 bytes of ciphertext (macbitsize = 128
) authentication tag.
example 96 bit nonce:
window.crypto.subtle.decrypt( { name: "aes-gcm", iv: encryptedarraybuffer.slice(0, 12), //the initialization vector used encrypt //additionaldata: arraybuffer, //the addtionaldata used encrypt (if any) // taglength: 128, //the taglength used encrypt (if any) tag: encryptedarraybuffer.slice(-16), // authentication tag }, cryptokey, //from above encryptedarraybuffer.slice(12, -16) //arraybuffer of data // alternatively: encryptedarraybuffer.slice(12) // in cases leave authentication tag in place )
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