How to import .pem certificate with php SoapClient and CodeIgniter framework -
i have issue loading .pem certificate initiate soapclient php.
this issue soapclient can't read .pem certificate on codeigniter.
i have created test php file without codeigniter framework test soapclient, , it's worked me.
php code:
$header = array('local_cert' => "newsfile.pem", 'passphrase' => "comtrust", 'exceptions' => false, 'trace' => true);
codeigniter soap client class:
path: controllers/
class etisalatpaymentgateway { private $client; function etisalatpaymentgateway() { // setup transaction array $header = array('local_cert' => apppath."controllers/newsfile.pem", 'passphrase' => "comtrust", 'exceptions' => false, 'trace' => true); //var_dump($header); $this->client = new soapclient("", $header); //var_dump($client->__getfunctions()); } public function getsoapclient(){ return $this->client; } }
payment ci_controller
<?php require_once(apppath.'controllers/etisalatpaymentgateway.php'); class payment extends ci_controller { private $client; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); //$certificate = $this->load->file(__dir__."/staging.pem",false); // setup transaction array $this->client = new etisalatpaymentgateway(); } function authorize($customer, $accountnumber, $amount, $orderid, $orderinfo, $ordername) { $body = new stdclass(); $body->customer = $customer; $body->language = "en"; $body->accountnumber = $accountnumber; $body->amount = $amount; $body->channel = 'phone'; $body->currency = 'aed'; $body->expirydate = '2018-04-06t00:00:00'; $body->orderid = $orderid; $body->orderinfo = $orderinfo; $body->ordername = $ordername; $body->transactionhint = ''; $body->verifycode = '123'; $params = array( "request" => $body ); $response = $this->client->getsoapclient()->__soapcall("authorize", array($params)); $this->responsejson($response); } private function responsejson($response) { /* print webservice response */ //print_r($response); header('content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($response); } }
the server response :
neither certificate nor password provided.
i know issue codeigniter can't read certificate file.
the .pem certificate file exists on /controller path (on same directory).
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