java - should I pay much attention on NullPointerException? -

when use junit test check coding process,i find there problems bother me. example:

list<user> list = userdao.findby("id",id); list.get(0).getname(); 

there problem.i didn't use assert check list not null before using may cause nullpointexception.but @ business logic.

when create new user this.

if(user!=null){ } 

it should not null.because check user not null when add one, know user successful in database.

if add lot of when user:


in similar place makes code chaos.

should add or not?how make choice? thx anyway.

i think looking method preconditions or, more generally, contracts.

let's assume code split many small methods, should be. define preconditions , postconditions every method. these need met, otherwise failure expected. if consistently, question of put these checks pretty answer in quite intuitive way.

as example, let's consider 2 ways write method user:

private void dosomethingwithuser(user u) {   if (u == null) {     /* take appropriate steps */   }   /* perform action on user object */ } 

above, method takes care of null-check. hence, there no need calling code it.

/*   * , user.  * precondition: user `u` may not null!  */ private void dosomethingwithuser(user u) {     /* perform action on user object */ } 

here, method not check u null, reading comment, can see how method designed. responsibility of calling code hand in non-null object, else behavior undefined.

of course, face decision of when go of these. , obviously, can set preconditions methods and have them still perform appropriate checks. return value indicates error or throw exception, pretty common.


but if there lots of objects need check before use them?should check them all?

consider this:

public class simpleclass {   public static void main (string[] args) {     user sware = new user("sware");     user domdom = new user("domdom");      dosomethingwithuser(sware);     dosomethingwithuser(domdom);   } } 

here, declaring and initializing 2 objects in main method. know not null. use them right away. no matter if method checks null or not, not perform such check outside - there no way objects null.

now, imagine have more complex code:

public class verycomplexclass extends complexclass implements complexinterface {   /* ... */   @override   private boolean dosomethingwithuser(user u) {     if (u == null) {          return false;         }     /* ... */   } } 

let's need implement dosomethingwithuser() method satisfy interface. or method comes parent class , override it. don't know u coming from. potentially call method? user outside of class? or method being used class itself? called member being passed in? pretty hard tell @ point. hence, recommend put null check place.


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