c++ - Using WMI to monitor process creation event -

i using wmi monitor process creation event

according other post(how detect win32 process creation/termination in c++)

i follow register callback function, doesn't work.

nothing happened when run program , open iexplore

please me, thank you

#define _win32_dcom #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <comdef.h> #include <wbemidl.h> #include <atlcomcli.h>  #pragma comment(lib, "wbemuuid.lib") #include "creationevent.h"  class eventsink : public iwbemobjectsink {     friend void creationevent::registercreationcallback(tnotificationfunc callback);      ccomptr<iwbemservices> psvc;     ccomptr<iwbemobjectsink> pstubsink;     long m_iref;     creationevent::tnotificationfunc m_callback;  public:     eventsink(creationevent::tnotificationfunc callback) :m_iref(0), m_callback(callback){}     ~eventsink(){     }      virtual ulong stdmethodcalltype addref() {         return interlockedincrement(&m_iref);     }      virtual ulong stdmethodcalltype release() {         long iref = interlockeddecrement(&m_iref);         if (iref == 0)             delete this;         return iref;     }      virtual hresult stdmethodcalltype queryinterface(refiid riid, void** ppv) {         if (riid == iid_iunknown || riid == iid_iwbemobjectsink) {             *ppv = (iwbemobjectsink*) this;             addref();             return wbem_s_no_error;         }         else return e_nointerface;     }      virtual hresult stdmethodcalltype indicate(         long lobjectcount,         iwbemclassobject __rpc_far *__rpc_far *apobjarray     ){         m_callback();         /* unregister event sink */         psvc->cancelasynccall(pstubsink);         return wbem_s_no_error;     }     virtual hresult stdmethodcalltype setstatus(long iflags, hresult hresult, bstr strparam, iwbemclassobject __rpc_far *pobjparam) {         return wbem_s_no_error;     } };  void creationevent::registercreationcallback(tnotificationfunc callback) {     ccomptr<iwbemlocator> ploc;     coinitialize(null);     hresult hres = cocreateinstance(clsid_wbemlocator, 0, clsctx_inproc_server, iid_iwbemlocator, (lpvoid*)&ploc);      if (failed(hres)) {         cout << "failed create iwbemlocator object."             << " err code = 0x"             << hex << hres << endl;         throw std::exception("creationevent initialization failed");     }     ccomptr<eventsink> psink(new eventsink(callback));      hres = ploc->connectserver(_bstr_t(l"root\\cimv2"), null, null, 0, null, 0, 0, &psink->psvc);     if (failed(hres)) {         cout << "could not connect. error code = 0x" << hex << hres << endl;         throw std::exception("creationevent initialization failed");     }     hres = cosetproxyblanket(psink->psvc, rpc_c_authn_winnt, rpc_c_authz_none, null, rpc_c_authn_level_call, rpc_c_imp_level_impersonate, null, eoac_none);     if (failed(hres)) {         cout << "coult not set proxy blanket, error code =0x" << hex << hres << endl;         throw std::exception("creationevent initialization failed");     }      ccomptr<iunsecuredapartment> punsecapp;     hres = cocreateinstance(clsid_unsecuredapartment, null, clsctx_local_server, iid_iunsecuredapartment, (void**)&punsecapp);     ccomptr<iunknown> pstubunk;     punsecapp->createobjectstub(psink, &pstubunk);     pstubunk->queryinterface(iid_iwbemobjectsink, (void**)&psink->pstubsink);       char buffer[512];     sprintf_s(buffer, "select * __instancecreationevent within 1 targetinstance isa 'win32_process' , targetinstance.name = 'iexplore.exe'");      hres = psink->psvc->execnotificationqueryasync(_bstr_t("wql"), _bstr_t(buffer), wbem_flag_send_status, null, psink->pstubsink);      if (failed(hres)) {         cout << "execnotificationqueryasync failed = 0x" << hex << hres << endl;         throw std::exception("creationevent initialization failed");     } }  void k() { cout << "kkkkk " << endl; }  int main() {     creationevent::registercreationcallback(k);     cin.get(); } 


 #pragma once #ifndef _creationevent_h__ #define _creationevent_h__  #include <boost/function.hpp>  namespace creationevent {     typedef boost::function<void(void)> tnotificationfunc;     void registercreationcallback(tnotificationfunc callback); }  #endif 

went , reviewed article example: receiving event notifications through wmi, , spotted apparently important difference.

in method creationevent::registercreationcallback(...), replace:



coinitializeex(0, coinit_multithreaded); 


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