ftp - mulesoft, loop over a properties file and start inbound endpoints -

i working on mule flow need read properties file have multiple organizations ftp endpoints. whenever flow starts, should iterate on property file , start consuming data different ftp endpoints. sample property file:

organizations:     orga:         ftpendpoint: sftp://{orgauser}:{password}@{hosta}:22/incoming/test     orgb:         ftpendpoint: sftp://{orgbuser}:{password}@{hostb}:22/incoming/test 

i want understand how iterate on yaml property file? code snippet appreciated. also, read in mulesoft document cannot put inbound endpoint in foreach loop. if case how can achieve this?

thanks & regards, vikas gite

i want understand how iterate on yaml property file

reading config file (yaml):

<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="myconfig" />     <spring:beans>     <spring:bean id="myconfig" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.yamlpropertiesfactorybean">         <spring:property name="resources" value="classpath:config.yaml"/>     </spring:bean> </spring:beans> 

and here java component iterates on entries:

public class configexample implements initialisable {      private properties props;      @override     public void initialise() throws initialisationexception {         props.entryset().foreach(entry -> {             // ever want configuration entries.             // example system.out.println :)              system.out.println(entry.getkey() + ": " + entry.getvalue());         });     }      public properties getprops() {         return props;     }      public void setprops(properties props) {         this.props = props;     } } 

inject myconfig in configexample:

<spring:beans>    <spring:bean class="configexample">        <spring:property name="props" ref="myconfig" />    </spring:bean> </spring:beans> 

also, read in mulesoft document cannot put inbound endpoint in foreach loop. if case how can achieve this?

that right, wont able iterate on inbound endpoints, can create flows inbound endpoints , start them based on configuration. here faraz masood describes how it.


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