matlab - how to traverse on white pixels on image and add nodes after every two pixel and connect that nodes using edges -

every 1 doing project on novel graph database handwritten word images in doing on {graph extraction – keypoint (node extraction)}


input: skeleton image s, distance threshold d output: graph g = (v, e) nodes v , edges e 1: function keypoint(s,d) 2: each connected component cc ∈ s 3: v = v ∪ {(x, y) ∈ cc | (x, y) end- or junction points} 4: remove junction points cc 5: each connected subcomponent ccsub ∈ cc 6: v = v ∪ {(x, y) ∈ ccsub | (x, y) points in equidistant intervals d} 7: each pair of nodes (u, v) ∈ v × v 8: e = e ∪ (u, v) if corresponding points connected in s 9: return g  

i finding branch points , end points , mid points in between branch points , end points using bwmorph function code.

clc; clear all; % read in sample image -- see letters.png, bagel.png j=im2double(imread('i2.jpg'));  % normalize , binarization b = imresize(j,[100,100]); th = graythresh(b); bw1 = im2bw(b, th); figure; imshowpair(b, bw1, 'montage');  % standard skeletonization: skelimg = bwmorph(~bw1,'thin',inf);  mn = bwmorph(skelimg,'branchpoints'); [row, column] = find(mn); branchpts = [row column]; endimg = bwmorph(skelimg,'endpoints'); [row,column] = find(endimg); endpts = [row column];  n = size(endpts,1); cntrpts = zeros(n,2); ii = 1:n     % compute end & branch points geodesic distance transform     dend = bwdistgeodesic(skelimg, endpts(ii,2), endpts(ii,1), 'quasi-euclidean');     [~,closestbranchidx] = min(dend(mn));        dstart = bwdistgeodesic(skelimg, branchpts(closestbranchidx,2), branchpts(closestbranchidx,1), 'quasi-euclidean');     d = dstart + dend;     d = round(d *8) / 8;     d(isnan(d)) = inf;     paths = imregionalmin(d);     % compute geodesic distance on found path end point , divide max distance 2 center point     dcenter = bwdistgeodesic(paths, endpts(ii,2), endpts(ii,1), 'quasi-euclidean');     dcenter(isinf(dcenter)) = nan;     c = nanmax(dcenter(:)) / 2;     [~,centerpointidx] = nanmin(abs(dcenter(:) - c));     [yc,xc] = ind2sub(size(dcenter),centerpointidx);     cntrpts(ii,:) = [yc,xc]; end n = size(branchpts,1); cntrpts2 = zeros(n,2); ii = 1:n     % compute end & branch points geodesic distance transform     dend = bwdistgeodesic(skelimg, branchpts(ii,2), branchpts(ii,1), 'quasi-euclidean');     [~,closestbranchidx] = min(dend(endpts));        dstart = bwdistgeodesic(skelimg, endpts(closestbranchidx,2), endpts(closestbranchidx,1), 'quasi-euclidean');     d = dstart + dend;     d = round(d * 2) / 2;     d(isnan(d)) = inf;     paths = imregionalmin(d);     % compute geodesic distance on found path end point , divide max distance 2 center point     dcenter = bwdistgeodesic(paths, branchpts(ii,2), branchpts(ii,1), 'quasi-euclidean');     dcenter(isinf(dcenter)) = nan;     c = nanmax(dcenter(:)) / 2;     [~,centerpointidx] = nanmin(abs(dcenter(:) - c));     [yc,xc] = ind2sub(size(dcenter),centerpointidx);     cntrpts2(ii,:) = [yc,xc]; end figure;imshow(skelimg); hold on; plot(cntrpts(:,2),cntrpts(:,1),'r.') plot(cntrpts2(:,2),cntrpts2(:,1),'y.') plot(branchpts(:,2),branchpts(:,1),'g.'); plot(endpts(:,2),endpts(:,1),'b.'); 

input image input image

output image

output image

expected image expected input

am not getting points in orientation parts or in loop avoid want traverse on white pixel on image after every 2 pixel want add nodes , want connect edges every nodes after adding nodes want input image in graph expected image 3.

the following opencv code in python, alongside explanation:

import cv2 filename = 'hindi.jpg' img1 = cv2.imread(filename)  #--- reading image ---  img = cv2.cvtcolor(img1,cv2.color_bgr2gray)    #--- converting grayscale ---  ret, th = cv2.threshold(img, 160, 255, 1)  #--- binary threshold --- cv2.imshow('th.jpg', th) 

enter image description here

kernel = np.ones((3,3),np.uint8) dilate = cv2.morphologyex(th, cv2.morph_dilate, kernel, 3)  #--- morphological dilation --- cv2.imshow('dilate.jpg', dilate) 

enter image description here

blackhat = cv2.morphologyex(dilate, cv2.morph_blackhat, kernel)  #--- performing blackhat morphology --- cv2.imshow('blackhat.jpg', blackhat) 

enter image description here

on performing dilation can get:

enter image description here

ret, th1 = cv2.threshold(th, 127, 255, 1)  #--- inverting threshold image --- tophat = cv2.morphologyex(th1, cv2.morph_tophat, kernel)  #--- performing tophat morphology --- cv2.imshow('tophat.jpg', tophat) 

enter image description here

on performing dilation can get:

enter image description here


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