javascript - VueJS v-for access both parameters and event object on event -

suppose have nested elements repeated v-for this:

<div id="container">     <div v-for="i in 3">        <div v-for="j in 3" v-on:click="clicked(i,j)">          {{i+','+j}}        </div>     </div> </div> 

and corresponding javascript:

var vm = new vue({    methods:{     clicked:function(i, j){         //how access click event here?     }    },    el:'#container' }) 

if use v-on:click="clicked" can access event (and corresponding element) in clicked function. want supply parameters , j, how can both access them , click event? want able regardless of event (keyup, keydown, blur, focus etc).

to access event object send $event parameter, vue assign event object if $event named parameter found in event handlers.

<div v-for="j in 3" v-on:click="clicked(i, j, $event)">  {{i+','+j}} </div> 


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