database - Normalizing transitive / partial dependencies -

consider table named books enter image description here table books has attributes:

  • isbn
  • booktitle
  • author_num
  • lastname
  • publisher
  • royalty
  • edition

the primary keys bolded

there partial dependencies

  • isbn can determine booktitle
  • isbn can determine edition
  • author_num can determine last name

there transitive dependency: - booktitle can determine publisher

what best way , systematic way normalise table?

for me, is:

  1. identify non-primary key holds partial dependency , no transitive dependency (i.e. isbn can determine booktitle , edition using rule , author_num can determine lastname) , put them in separate table each instance of rule applies

  2. partial dependencies allow transitive dependency occur grouped in own table (i.e. booktitle & publisher)

  3. final table have values associated 2 initial determiners of partial dependency (isbn, author_num values hold no dependency i.e. royalty)


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