javascript - Change color of specific word got from script -

i'm trying adapt code change color of single word, don't know how.

the original code is

crypt_single_getpar = eval('(' + httpget("" + crypt_single_base_currency.match(/.*?\(([0-9a-z]+)\)/i)[1] + "-" + crypt_single_target_currency.match(/.*?\(([0-9a-z]+)\)/i)[1]) + ')'); 


if (crypt_single_getpar.success != false) { if (crypt_single_getpar.ticker.price > 1)     crypt_single_price = math.round(crypt_single_getpar.ticker.price * 100) / 100; else     crypt_single_price = crypt_single_getpar.ticker.price  var crypt_single_text_style = '<font style="color:#cc0000;"><b>&darr;</b></font>';  if (crypt_single_getpar.ticker.change >= 0) {     crypt_single_text_style = '<font style="color:#009900;"><b>&uarr;</b></font>'; }  document.write('\ <div class="cryptonatorwidget" style="border-radius:4px;padding:10px;' + crypt_single_style + '">\ <div><font style="font-size:90%;">' + crypt_single_base_currency + '</font>\ <b>' + crypt_single_price + '</b> ' + crypt_single_target_currency.match(/.*?\(([0-9a-z]+)\)/i)[1] +'\ </div>'); 

the result in white. ( couldn't post image due not having minimum reputation)

decred (dcr) [current value] btc

and i'm trying change color this

decred (dcr) [current value] [green]btc[green]

i tried achieve result

document.write('\ <div class="cryptonatorwidget" style="border-radius:4px;padding:10px;' + crypt_single_style + '">\ <div><font style="font-size:90%;">' + crypt_single_base_currency + '</font>\ <b>' + crypt_single_price + '</b> ' + <span style="color:#2ed7a2;">' + crypt_single_target_currency.match(/.*?\(([0-9a-z]+)\)/i)[1] + '</span>\ </div>'); 

but disappeared in web page.

could me?


ps: also, told me never use eval in wordpress (in case, text widget). how without eval?


thanks help.

in time, found error ^^

crypt_single_display_time = false;    function httpget(theurl)  {      var xmlhttp = null;        xmlhttp = new xmlhttprequest(); "get", theurl, false );      xmlhttp.send( null );      return xmlhttp.responsetext;  }    function formatnumberlength(num, length) {      var r = "" + num;      while (r.length < length) {          r = "0" + r;      }      return r;  }    crypt_single_base_currency = typeof crypt_single_base_currency == "undefined" ? "bitcoin (btc)" : crypt_single_base_currency;  crypt_single_target_currency = typeof crypt_single_target_currency == "undefined" ? "us dollar (usd)" : crypt_single_target_currency;  crypt_single_background_color = typeof crypt_single_background_color == "undefined" ? "#ffffff" : crypt_single_background_color;  crypt_single_transperency = typeof crypt_single_transperency == "undefined" ? true : crypt_single_transperency;  crypt_single_border_width = typeof crypt_single_border_width == "undefined" ? 1 : crypt_single_border_width;  crypt_single_border_color = typeof crypt_single_border_color == "undefined" ? "#cccccc" : crypt_single_border_color;  crypt_single_border_corners = typeof crypt_single_border_corners == "undefined" ? "rounded" : crypt_single_border_corners;  crypt_single_font_family = typeof crypt_single_font_family == "undefined" ? "arial" : crypt_single_font_family;  crypt_single_font_size = typeof crypt_single_font_size == "undefined" ? "medium" : crypt_single_font_size;  crypt_single_font_color = typeof crypt_single_font_color == "undefined" ? "#000000" : crypt_single_font_color;  crypt_single_display_time = typeof crypt_single_display_time == "undefined" ? true : crypt_single_display_time;    crypt_single_getpar = eval('(' + httpget("" +      crypt_single_base_currency.match(/.*?\(([0-9a-z]+)\)/i)[1] + "-" + crypt_single_target_currency.match(/.*?\(([0-9a-z]+)\)/i)[1]) + ')');    crypt_single_month_name = new array("january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december");    crypt_single_date = new date(crypt_single_getpar.timestamp * 1000);  crypt_single_day = formatnumberlength(crypt_single_date.getdate(), 2);  crypt_single_month = crypt_single_month_name[crypt_single_date.getmonth()];  crypt_single_year = crypt_single_date.getfullyear();  crypt_single_hour = formatnumberlength(crypt_single_date.gethours(), 2);  crypt_single_minutes = formatnumberlength(crypt_single_date.getminutes(), 2);  crypt_single_seconds = formatnumberlength(crypt_single_date.getseconds(), 2);  crypt_single_time_zone = "utc+0:00";    if (crypt_single_transperency)      crypt_single_background_color = 'transparent';    switch (crypt_single_font_size) {      case 'small':          crypt_single_font_size = "90%";          break;        case 'medium':          crypt_single_font_size = "110%";          break;        case 'large':          crypt_single_font_size = "150%";          break;  }    crypt_single_style = 'background: ' + crypt_single_background_color +      '; border: ' + crypt_single_border_width + 'px solid ' + crypt_single_border_color + ';' +      'font-family: ' + crypt_single_font_family +'; font-size: ' + crypt_single_font_size +      '; color: ' + crypt_single_font_color + ';';    if (crypt_single_border_corners == "square") {      crypt_single_style += "-webkit-border-radius: 0 !important; -moz-border-radius: 0 !important; border-radius: 0 !important;";  }    if (crypt_single_getpar.success != false) {      if (crypt_single_getpar.ticker.price > 1)          crypt_single_price = math.round(crypt_single_getpar.ticker.price * 100) / 100;      else          crypt_single_price = crypt_single_getpar.ticker.price        var crypt_single_text_style = '<font style="color:#cc0000;"><b>&darr;</b></font>';        if (crypt_single_getpar.ticker.change >= 0) {          crypt_single_text_style = '<font style="color:#009900;"><b>&uarr;</b></font>';      }        document.write('\  <div class="cryptonatorwidget" style="border-radius:4px;padding:10px;' + crypt_single_style + '">\  <div><font style="font-size:90%;">' + crypt_single_base_currency + '</font>\  <b>' + crypt_single_price + '</b><span style="color:green";> ' + crypt_single_target_currency.match(/.*?\(([0-9a-z]+)\)/i)[1] +' </span>\  </div>');  }  else {      document.write('\      <div class="cryptonatorwidget" style="border-radius:4px;padding:10px;' + crypt_single_style + '">\      <b>nenhum preço disponível</b>\      </div>');  }    if (crypt_single_display_time && crypt_single_getpar.success != false)      document.write('<div style="font-size:70%;opacity:0.6;padding-top:10px;">\              updated ' + crypt_single_day + ' ' + crypt_single_month + ' ' + crypt_single_year + ' '              + crypt_single_hour + ':' + crypt_single_minutes + ':' + crypt_single_seconds + ' '              + crypt_single_time_zone + '\          </div>');    document.write('<div id="cryptoticker" style="font-size:10px;opacity:0.6;padding-top:10px;"><span>powered <a href="" style="color:' + crypt_single_font_color + ';" target="_blank">arkhad</a></span></div>\  </div>'); 
div#cryptoticker span {      display: none; }         

i'm missing cannot find :/


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