bitmap - Image from server not updated Android -
i need show user profile image load google cloud storage, problem when change picture upload server, , refresh page still see old image. tried ios version of app , instantly refreshed it's not problem server.
to load image use picasso , this:
i noticed when uninstall app , install again refresh image guess it's problem caching. can help? thank you.
before loading image try invalidating it:
picasso.with(profileactivity.this).invalidate(imageurl); picasso.with(profileactivity.this).load(imageurl).memorypolicy(memorypolicy.no_cache).into(profilephoto);
edit: have tried:
picasso .with(profileactivity.this) .load(imageurl) .memorypolicy(memorypolicy.no_cache, memorypolicy.no_store) .into(profilephoto);
acutally think issue since not using local image, using network cache it.
if above doesn't work try this:
picasso .with(profileactivity.this) .load(imageurl) .networkpolicy(networkpolicy.no_cache) .into(profilephoto);
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