mvc - Custom Authorization with Parameters Web API -

can show me how use parameter in customize authorizeattribute?

like this:

[authorize(role="admin,supervisor")]  [authorize(user="me,you")]  [authorize(action="abc,def")] 

this code , dont have idea yet how add parameter here.

public class customauthorizeattribute : authorizeattribute     {         applicationdbcontext _context = new applicationdbcontext();          public override void onauthorization(httpactioncontext actioncontext)         {              if (authorizerequest(actioncontext))             {                  return;              }              handleunauthorizedrequest(actioncontext);         }          protected override void handleunauthorizedrequest(httpactioncontext actioncontext)         {             if (((system.web.httpcontext.current.user).identity).isauthenticated)             {                 actioncontext.response = new httpresponsemessage()                 {                     statuscode = httpstatuscode.unauthorized,                     content = new stringcontent("you unauthorized access resource")                 };              }             else             {                 base.handleunauthorizedrequest(actioncontext);             }         }          private bool authorizerequest(httpactioncontext actioncontext)         {             var action = actioncontext.actiondescriptor.actionname;              var controller = actioncontext.controllercontext.controllerdescriptor.controllername;              var currentuser = actioncontext.requestcontext.principal.identity.getuserid();              var user = _context.users.join(_context.useraccesses, x => x.roleid, y => y.roleid, (x, y) =>              new { id =, firstname = x.firstname, lastname = x.lastname, roleid = x.roleid, controller = y.controller,                  action = y.action }).where(z => == currentuser && z.controller == controller && z.action == action)                 .singleordefault();              if (user != null)                 return true;             else                 return false;          }     } 

as have extended default implementation of authorize, need use [customauthorize(role="admin,supervisor")]. set roles. can access roles property directly in code contained in parent authorizeattribute has been inherited.

    public override void onauthorization(httpactioncontext actioncontext)     {         var roles = roles;         if (authorizerequest(actioncontext))         {              return;          }          handleunauthorizedrequest(actioncontext);     } 


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