c# - how to set the timeout while exporting data using webservices api in acumatica -

this first scenario: - create new "bill" document in acumatica system using webservices api bill , adjustments screen (ap301000). - after that, need load document records in application tab menu of current screen (ap301000) using webservices set off process. problem there lot of documents loaded. it's 9500 documents , of course need more times proceed (it's 10 minutes).

i error in exporting process records in aplication tab menu. , error message "operation timeout".

is there reference set timeout in exporting process of huge documents through webservices api.

scon.getloginsettlementvoucher(context); ap301000content billschema2 = context.ap301000getschema(); list<command> cmds = new list<command>(); billschema2.documentsummary.type.commit = false; billschema2.documentsummary.type.linkedcommand = null;  var command2 = new command[] {         new value { value = "bill", linkedcommand = billschema2.documentsummary.type},         new value { value = "17000034", linkedcommand = billschema2.documentsummary.referencenbr},         billschema2.applications.doctypedisplaydoctype,         billschema2.applications.referencenbrdisplayrefnbr,         billschema2.applications.balance,         billschema2.applications.amountpaid  };  try  {         var applications = context.ap301000export(command2, null, 0, false, true);          ..........................   }   catch(exception x){} finally{context.logout()} 

here link webclientprotocol.timeout property on msdn - it's way better check msdn since timeout property derived 1 of base classes in .net framework

the way change timeout value of screen object. in case, think object "context".

the default value 100000 , in milliseconds, 1 minute 40 seconds. if change value 700000 around 11 minutes , half, should fine.

here how :

context.timeout = 700000;


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