c# - Dynamically create an object from list of properties known at run-time -

i have results (xml format, <prop0>, <prop1>, ...) coming api saving database table. have mapping of props table columns. create object on fly property names coming mapping , values coming api results.

i use mapping dictionary , api results directly save values in database, insert functions (remote application) designed use list of objects.

i have explored system.dynamic.expandoobject 1 cannot add properties on fly (from, say, dictionary). currently, using following generic typed solution, attributes need present in class.

internal t fetchpopulatedobject<t>(dictionary<string, string> apitotablemapping, dictionary<string, string> apiresultskeyval, t objecttopopulate) t : new() {   if (objecttopopulate == null)     objecttopopulate = new t();    propertyinfo currprop;   type curractualtype;   string valtoset = string.empty;   int valtosetnumeric = 0;   object finalvaltoset = new object();    foreach (keyvaluepair<string, string> currmap in apitotablemapping)   {     valtoset = string.empty;     currprop = (typeof(t).getproperty(currmap.value));     if (currprop == null)     {       log.info("could not find property table column " + currmap.value + ". moving on.");       continue;     }     bool valresult = apiresultskeyval.trygetvalue(currmap.key, out valtoset);     if (!valresult)     {       log.info("could not find value in api results property: " + currmap.key + ".");       continue;     }      curractualtype = nullable.getunderlyingtype(currprop.propertytype) ?? currprop.propertytype;      if (string.isnullorempty(valtoset))     {       log.info("property " + currprop.name + " of " + currprop.propertytype.name + " type api attribute " +         currmap.key + " returned incompatible or empty value " + valtoset + ". skipping field.");       continue;     }     else     {       finalvaltoset = int32.tryparse(valtoset, out valtosetnumeric) ? convert.changetype(valtosetnumeric, curractualtype) : convert.changetype(valtoset, curractualtype);     }      currprop.setvalue(objecttopopulate, finalvaltoset, null);   }    return objecttopopulate;  } 

however, infeasible, since api results keep changing , adding new attributes.

can suggest how accomplish same without having have properties in class t?

other emit, can think of dynamic compiled type, example:

       static type getmeatype( string mytypename, string mystringpropertyname ) {              string codetocompile = "using system; public class " + mytypename + " {public string " +                                    mystringpropertyname + " { get; set; } }";             string[] references = { "system.dll", "system.core.dll" };              compilerparameters compilerparams = new compilerparameters();              compilerparams.generateinmemory = true;             compilerparams.treatwarningsaserrors = false;             compilerparams.generateexecutable = false;             compilerparams.compileroptions = "/optimize";             compilerparams.referencedassemblies.addrange( references );              csharpcodeprovider provider = new csharpcodeprovider();             compilerresults compile = provider.compileassemblyfromsource( compilerparams, codetocompile );             module dynamicmodule = compile.compiledassembly.getmodules()[ 0 ];             var type = dynamicmodule.gettype( mytypename );              return type;          } 


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