android - why it gives screen inch size wrong all the time? -
i want calculate device size inch. using code every search appears. problem when put device 4.5 inch answer in android studio 4. tried 5.2 inch device , got 4.3 inch 10.1 inch -> answer 9.0. so how can accurate answer?
displaymetrics dm = new displaymetrics(); getwindowmanager().getdefaultdisplay().getmetrics(dm); double wi=(double)dm.widthpixels/dm.xdpi; double hi=(double)dm.heightpixels/dm.ydpi; double x = math.pow(wi,2); double y = math.pow(hi,2); double screeninches = math.sqrt(x+y); log.e("hello"," "+screeninches);
the problem code not take account
orientation of screen
use following answer
windowmanager windowmanager = getwindowmanager(); display display = windowmanager.getdefaultdisplay(); displaymetrics displaymetrics = new displaymetrics(); display.getmetrics(displaymetrics); // since sdk_int = 1; mwidthpixels = displaymetrics.widthpixels; mheightpixels = displaymetrics.heightpixels; // includes window decorations (statusbar bar/menu bar) if (build.version.sdk_int >= 14 && build.version.sdk_int < 17) { try { mwidthpixels = (integer) display.class.getmethod("getrawwidth").invoke(display); mheightpixels = (integer) display.class.getmethod("getrawheight").invoke(display); } catch (exception ignored) { } } // includes window decorations (statusbar bar/menu bar) if (build.version.sdk_int >= 17) { try { point realsize = new point(); display.class.getmethod("getrealsize", point.class).invoke(display, realsize); mwidthpixels = realsize.x; mheightpixels = realsize.y; } catch (exception ignored) { } displaymetrics dm = new displaymetrics(); getwindowmanager().getdefaultdisplay().getmetrics(dm); double x = math.pow(mwidthpixels/dm.xdpi,2); double y = math.pow(mheightpixels/dm.ydpi,2); double screeninches = math.sqrt(x+y); log.d("debug","screen inches : " + screeninches);
credit him
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