x509 - Kerberos test using kinit with no password (cert auth) -
i did extensive search before posting q. we have kerb setup working fine users our internal portal. few users getting following error: "failed create delegated gssapi token on behalf of http/ssologon.xxx.xxx.xx.com@xxx.xxx.xx.com service@hostname.xxx.xxx.xx.com: minor status=-1765328230, major status=851968, message=cannot find kdc requested realm]" i can test kerb setup fine server side using kinit using keytab file etc. issue/q how test same workstations/client pc exhibiting above error. i use kinit or kinit principal-name prompts password. have disabled passwords authentication , use x509 certs/access card login our pcs/domain. so, how use kinit or equiv. test kerberos domain workstation using cli , cert authentication. i have seen kinit -x option not available on jdk1.7/1.8 in win 7 seems. pkinit (mit kerberos) option seems more used web server kdc authentication. thank in advance , appreciate community's time , effort. ---- add...