javascript - Dropdown overlapping other nav items -

my drop-down overlapping on navigation in mobile view , wondering if knew how fix this. appreciated! also, in desktop view know how expand header when hover on drop-down not fall off header?

(function ($, document, window) {      var          defaults = {              label: 'menu',              duplicate: true,              duration: 200,              easingopen: 'swing',              easingclose: 'swing',              closedsymbol: '&#9658;',              openedsymbol: '&#9660;',              prependto: 'body',              appendto: '',              parenttag: 'a',              closeonclick: false,              allowparentlinks: false,              nestedparentlinks: true,              showchildren: false,              removeids: true,              removeclasses: false,              removestyles: false,  			brand: '',              animations: 'jquery',              init: function () {},              beforeopen: function () {},              beforeclose: function () {},              afteropen: function () {},              afterclose: function () {}          },          mobilemenu = 'slicknav',          prefix = 'slicknav',          keyboard = {              down: 40,              enter: 13,              escape: 27,              left: 37,              right: 39,              space: 32,              tab: 9,              up: 38,          };      function plugin(element, options) {          this.element = element;          this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);          if (!this.settings.duplicate && !options.hasownproperty("removeids")) {            this.settings.removeids = false;          }          this._defaults = defaults;          this._name = mobilemenu;          this.init();      }      plugin.prototype.init = function () {          var $this = this,              menu = $(this.element),              settings = this.settings,              iconclass,              menubar;          if (settings.duplicate) {              $this.mobilenav = menu.clone();          } else {              $this.mobilenav = menu;          }          if (settings.removeids) {            $this.mobilenav.removeattr('id');            $this.mobilenav.find('*').each(function (i, e) {                $(e).removeattr('id');            });          }          if (settings.removeclasses) {              $this.mobilenav.removeattr('class');              $this.mobilenav.find('*').each(function (i, e) {                  $(e).removeattr('class');              });          }          if (settings.removestyles) {              $this.mobilenav.removeattr('style');              $this.mobilenav.find('*').each(function (i, e) {                  $(e).removeattr('style');              });          }          iconclass = prefix + '_icon';          if (settings.label === '') {              iconclass += ' ' + prefix + '_no-text';          }          if (settings.parenttag == 'a') {              settings.parenttag = 'a href="#"';          }          $this.mobilenav.attr('class', prefix + '_nav');          menubar = $('<div class="' + prefix + '_menu"></div>');  		if (settings.brand !== '') {  			var brand = $('<div class="' + prefix + '_brand">'+settings.brand+'</div>');  			$(menubar).append(brand);  		}          $this.btn = $(              ['<' + settings.parenttag + ' aria-haspopup="true" role="button" tabindex="0" class="' + prefix + '_btn ' + prefix + '_collapsed">',                  '<span class="' + prefix + '_menutxt">' + settings.label + '</span>',                  '<span class="' + iconclass + '">',                      '<span class="' + prefix + '_icon-bar"></span>',                      '<span class="' + prefix + '_icon-bar"></span>',                      '<span class="' + prefix + '_icon-bar"></span>',                  '</span>',              '</' + settings.parenttag + '>'              ].join('')          );          $(menubar).append($this.btn);          if(settings.appendto !== '') {              $(settings.appendto).append(menubar);          } else {              $(settings.prependto).prepend(menubar);          }          menubar.append($this.mobilenav);          var items = $this.mobilenav.find('li');          $(items).each(function () {              var item = $(this),                  data = {};              data.children = item.children('ul').attr('role', 'menu');    'menu', data);              if (data.children.length > 0) {                  var = item.contents(),                      containsanchor = false,                      nodes = [];                  $(a).each(function () {                      if (!$(this).is('ul')) {                          nodes.push(this);                      } else {                          return false;                      }                      if($(this).is("a")) {                          containsanchor = true;                      }                  });                  var wrapelement = $(                      '<' + settings.parenttag + ' role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" tabindex="-1" class="' + prefix + '_item"/>'                  );                           if ((!settings.allowparentlinks || settings.nestedparentlinks) || !containsanchor) {                      var $wrap = $(nodes).wrapall(wrapelement).parent();                      $wrap.addclass(prefix+'_row');                  } else                      $(nodes).wrapall('<span class="'+prefix+'_parent-link '+prefix+'_row"/>').parent();                  if (!settings.showchildren) {                      item.addclass(prefix+'_collapsed');                  } else {                      item.addclass(prefix+'_open');                  }                  item.addclass(prefix+'_parent');                  var arrowelement = $('<span class="'+prefix+'_arrow">'+(settings.showchildren?settings.openedsymbol:settings.closedsymbol)+'</span>');                  if (settings.allowparentlinks && !settings.nestedparentlinks && containsanchor)                      arrowelement = arrowelement.wrap(wrapelement).parent();                  $(nodes).last().after(arrowelement);              } else if ( item.children().length === 0) {                   item.addclass(prefix+'_txtnode');              }              item.children('a').attr('role', 'menuitem').click(function(event){                  //ensure it's not parent                  if (settings.closeonclick && !$('li').hasclass(prefix+'_parent')) {                          //emulate menu close if set                          $($this.btn).click();                      }              });                          if (settings.closeonclick && settings.allowparentlinks) {                  item.children('a').children('a').click(function (event) {                       $($this.btn).click();                  });                  item.find('.'+prefix+'_parent-link a:not(.'+prefix+'_item)').click(function(event){                                             $($this.btn).click();                  });              }          });                $(items).each(function () {              var data = $(this).data('menu');              if (!settings.showchildren){                  $this._visibilitytoggle(data.children, null, false, null, true);              }          });                 $this._visibilitytoggle($this.mobilenav, null, false, 'init', true);                 $this.mobilenav.attr('role','menu');                 $(document).mousedown(function(){              $this._outlines(false);          });          $(document).keyup(function(){              $this._outlines(true);          });              $($this.btn).click(function (e) {              e.preventdefault();              $this._menutoggle();          });                  $this.mobilenav.on('click', '.' + prefix + '_item', function (e) {              e.preventdefault();              $this._itemclick($(this));          });                 $($this.btn).keydown(function (e) {              var ev = e || event;              switch(ev.keycode) {                  case keyboard.enter:                  case                  case keyboard.down:                      e.preventdefault();                      if (ev.keycode !== keyboard.down || !$($this.btn).hasclass(prefix+'_open')){                          $this._menutoggle();                      }                                       $($this.btn).next().find('[role="menuitem"]').first().focus();                      break;              }                    });          $this.mobilenav.on('keydown', '.'+prefix+'_item', function(e) {              var ev = e || event;              switch(ev.keycode) {                  case keyboard.enter:                      e.preventdefault();                      $this._itemclick($(;                      break;                  case keyboard.right:                      e.preventdefault();                      if ($('_collapsed')) {                          $this._itemclick($(;                      }                      $('[role="menuitem"]').first().focus();                      break;              }          });            $this.mobilenav.on('keydown', '[role="menuitem"]', function(e) {              var ev = e || event;                switch(ev.keycode){                  case keyboard.down:                      e.preventdefault();                      var allitems = $('[role="menuitem"]:visible');                      var idx = allitems.index( );                      var nextidx = idx + 1;                      if (allitems.length <= nextidx) {                          nextidx = 0;                      }                      var next = allitems.eq( nextidx );                      next.focus();                  break;                  case keyboard.up:                      e.preventdefault();                      var allitems = $('[role="menuitem"]:visible');                      var idx = allitems.index( );                      var next = allitems.eq( idx - 1 );                      next.focus();                  break;                  case keyboard.left:                      e.preventdefault();                      if ($('_open')) {                          var parent = $(;                          parent.focus();                          $this._itemclick(parent);                      } else if ($('_nav')){                          $this._menutoggle();                          $($this.btn).focus();                      }                      break;                  case keyboard.escape:                      e.preventdefault();                      $this._menutoggle();                      $($this.btn).focus();                      break;                  }          });            // allow links clickable within parent tags if set          if (settings.allowparentlinks && settings.nestedparentlinks) {              $('.'+prefix+'_item a').click(function(e){                      e.stopimmediatepropagation();              });          }      };        //toggle menu      plugin.prototype._menutoggle = function (el) {          var $this = this;          var btn = $this.btn;          var mobilenav = $this.mobilenav;            if (btn.hasclass(prefix+'_collapsed')) {              btn.removeclass(prefix+'_collapsed');              btn.addclass(prefix+'_open');          } else {              btn.removeclass(prefix+'_open');              btn.addclass(prefix+'_collapsed');          }          btn.addclass(prefix+'_animating');          $this._visibilitytoggle(mobilenav, btn.parent(), true, btn);      };        // toggle clicked items      plugin.prototype._itemclick = function (el) {          var $this = this;          var settings = $this.settings;          var data ='menu');          if (!data) {              data = {};              data.arrow = el.children('.'+prefix+'_arrow');              data.ul ='ul');              data.parent = el.parent();              //separated parent link structure              if (data.parent.hasclass(prefix+'_parent-link')) {                  data.parent = el.parent().parent();                  data.ul = el.parent().next('ul');              }    'menu', data);          }          if (data.parent.hasclass(prefix+'_collapsed')) {              data.arrow.html(settings.openedsymbol);              data.parent.removeclass(prefix+'_collapsed');              data.parent.addclass(prefix+'_open');              data.parent.addclass(prefix+'_animating');              $this._visibilitytoggle(data.ul, data.parent, true, el);          } else {              data.arrow.html(settings.closedsymbol);              data.parent.addclass(prefix+'_collapsed');              data.parent.removeclass(prefix+'_open');              data.parent.addclass(prefix+'_animating');              $this._visibilitytoggle(data.ul, data.parent, true, el);          }      };        // toggle actual visibility , accessibility tags      plugin.prototype._visibilitytoggle = function(el, parent, animate, trigger, init) {          var $this = this;          var settings = $this.settings;          var items = $this._getactionitems(el);          var duration = 0;          if (animate) {              duration = settings.duration;          }                    function afteropen(trigger, parent) {              $(trigger).removeclass(prefix+'_animating');              $(parent).removeclass(prefix+'_animating');                //fire afteropen callback              if (!init) {                  settings.afteropen(trigger);              }          }                    function afterclose(trigger, parent) {              el.attr('aria-hidden','true');              items.attr('tabindex', '-1');              $this._setvisattr(el, true);              el.hide(); //jquery 1.7 bug fix                $(trigger).removeclass(prefix+'_animating');              $(parent).removeclass(prefix+'_animating');                //fire init or afterclose callback              if (!init){                  settings.afterclose(trigger);              } else if (trigger == 'init'){                  settings.init();              }          }            if (el.hasclass(prefix+'_hidden')) {              el.removeclass(prefix+'_hidden');               //fire beforeopen callback              if (!init) {                  settings.beforeopen(trigger);              }              if (settings.animations === 'jquery') {                  el.stop(true,true).slidedown(duration, settings.easingopen, function(){                      afteropen(trigger, parent);                  });              } else if(settings.animations === 'velocity') {                  el.velocity("finish").velocity("slidedown", {                      duration: duration,                      easing: settings.easingopen,                      complete: function() {                          afteropen(trigger, parent);                      }                  });              }              el.attr('aria-hidden','false');              items.attr('tabindex', '0');              $this._setvisattr(el, false);          } else {              el.addclass(prefix+'_hidden');                //fire init or beforeclose callback              if (!init){                  settings.beforeclose(trigger);              }                if (settings.animations === 'jquery') {                  el.stop(true,true).slideup(duration, this.settings.easingclose, function() {                      afterclose(trigger, parent)                  });              } else if (settings.animations === 'velocity') {                                    el.velocity("finish").velocity("slideup", {                      duration: duration,                      easing: settings.easingclose,                      complete: function() {                          afterclose(trigger, parent);                      }                  });              }          }      };        // set attributes of element , children based on visibility      plugin.prototype._setvisattr = function(el, hidden) {          var $this = this;            // select parents aren't hidden          var nonhidden = el.children('li').children('ul').not('.'+prefix+'_hidden');            // iterate on items setting appropriate tags          if (!hidden) {              nonhidden.each(function(){                  var ul = $(this);                  ul.attr('aria-hidden','false');                  var items = $this._getactionitems(ul);                  items.attr('tabindex', '0');                  $this._setvisattr(ul, hidden);              });          } else {              nonhidden.each(function(){                  var ul = $(this);                  ul.attr('aria-hidden','true');                  var items = $this._getactionitems(ul);                  items.attr('tabindex', '-1');                  $this._setvisattr(ul, hidden);              });          }      };        // 1st level items clickable      plugin.prototype._getactionitems = function(el) {          var data ="menu");          if (!data) {              data = {};              var items = el.children('li');              var anchors = items.find('a');              data.links = anchors.add(items.find('.'+prefix+'_item'));    'menu', data);          }          return data.links;      };        plugin.prototype._outlines = function(state) {          if (!state) {              $('.'+prefix+'_item, .'+prefix+'_btn').css('outline','none');          } else {              $('.'+prefix+'_item, .'+prefix+'_btn').css('outline','');          }      };        plugin.prototype.toggle = function(){          var $this = this;          $this._menutoggle();      }; = function(){          var $this = this;          if ($this.btn.hasclass(prefix+'_collapsed')) {              $this._menutoggle();          }      };        plugin.prototype.close = function(){          var $this = this;          if ($this.btn.hasclass(prefix+'_open')) {              $this._menutoggle();          }      };        $.fn[mobilemenu] = function ( options ) {          var args = arguments;            // first parameter object (options), or omitted, instantiate new instance          if (options === undefined || typeof options === 'object') {              return this.each(function () {                    // allow plugin instantiated once due methods                  if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + mobilemenu)) {                        // if has no instance, create new one, pass options our plugin constructor,                      // , store plugin instance in elements jquery data object.                      $.data(this, 'plugin_' + mobilemenu, new plugin( this, options ));                  }              });            // if string , doesn't start underscore or 'init' function, treat call public method.          } else if (typeof options === 'string' && options[0] !== '_' && options !== 'init') {                // cache method call make possible return value              var returns;                this.each(function () {                  var instance = $.data(this, 'plugin_' + mobilemenu);                    // tests there's plugin-instance , checks requested public method exists                  if (instance instanceof plugin && typeof instance[options] === 'function') {                        // call method of our plugin instance, , pass supplied arguments.                      returns = instance[options].apply( instance, args, 1 ) );                  }              });                // if earlier cached method gives value return value, otherwise return preserve chainability.              return returns !== undefined ? returns : this;          }      };  }(jquery, document, window));
.dropdown{  	overflow: hidden;  }  .dropdown .dropbtn {  	background-color: inherit;  }  .dropdown-content{  	display: none;  	position: absolute;  }  .dropdown-content a{  	float:none;  	display: block;  }  .dropdown:hover .dropdown-content{  	display:block;  }  .dropbtn{  	border:none;  	font-family: 'philosopher', sans-serif;  	z-index: 3000;  }  header{  		  list-style-type: none;      margin: 0;      padding: 0;           background-color: #333;      position: fixed;      top: 0;      width: 100%;  }  @media (max-width: 400px) {  	.slicknav_menu{  	display:block;	  }  header{  		  list-style-type: none;      margin: 0;      padding: 0;      overflow: hidden;      background-color: #333;      position: fixed;      top: 0;      width: 100%;  }  	#menu{  		display:none;  		z-index: 1000;	  	}  	.slicknav_menu img{  		display:none;  		z-index: 1000;  	}  }  .main-nav {    display: flex;  	padding-left: 0;  	font-family: 'philosopher', sans-serif;  	padding-left:20px;  	padding-right:40px;  	}  .main-nav a:after{  	content: attr(data-txthover);      max-width: 100%;       color: white;      white-space: nowrap;      overflow: hidden;      transition: max-width .3s ease-out;  }  .main-nav li:first-child {  margin-right: auto;  }  .main-nav {  	color: #1fa0a3;  	padding: 10px;  	text-decoration: none;  	font-size: 20px;  	transition: .3s;  }  @media screen , (min-width: 760px) {  .slicknav_menu{  	display:none;  }  }  @media (max-width: 760px){  	.slicknav_menu{  		display:block;  	}  	#menu{  		display:none;  	}  	.slicknav_menu img{  		display:none;  		z-index: 1000;  	}  .slicknav_btn {    position: relative;    display: block;    vertical-align: middle;    float: right;    padding: 0.438em 0.625em 0.438em 0.625em;    line-height: 1.125em;    cursor: pointer; }    .slicknav_btn .slicknav_icon-bar + .slicknav_icon-bar {      margin-top: 0.188em; }  .slicknav_menu {  	z-index: 1000;    *zoom: 1; }    .slicknav_menu .slicknav_menutxt {      display: block;      line-height: 1.188em;      float: left; }    .slicknav_menu .slicknav_icon {      float: left;      width: 1.125em;      height: 0.875em;      margin: 0.188em 0 0 0.438em; }      .slicknav_menu .slicknav_icon:before {        background: transparent;        width: 1.125em;        height: 0.875em;        display: block;        content: "";        position: absolute; }    .slicknav_menu .slicknav_no-text {      margin: 0; }    .slicknav_menu .slicknav_icon-bar {      display: block;      width: 1.125em;      height: 0.125em;      -webkit-border-radius: 1px;      -moz-border-radius: 1px;      border-radius: 1px;      -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);      -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);      box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); }    .slicknav_menu:before {      content: " ";      display: table; }    .slicknav_menu:after {      content: " ";      display: table;      clear: both; }  .slicknav_nav {    clear: both; }    .slicknav_nav ul {      display: block; }    .slicknav_nav li {      display: block; }    .slicknav_nav .slicknav_arrow {      font-size: 0.8em;      margin: 0 0 0 0.4em; }    .slicknav_nav .slicknav_item {      cursor: pointer; }      .slicknav_nav .slicknav_item {        display: inline; }    .slicknav_nav .slicknav_row {      display: block; }    .slicknav_nav {      display: block; }    .slicknav_nav .slicknav_parent-link {      display: inline; }  .slicknav_brand {    float: left; }  .slicknav_menu {  	top:0;  	width: 100%;  	position:fixed;    font-size: 16px;    box-sizing: border-box;    background: #008a91;    padding: 5px; }    .slicknav_menu * {      box-sizing: border-box; }    .slicknav_menu .slicknav_menutxt {      color: #1fa0a3;      font-weight: bold;      text-shadow: 0 1px 3px #000; }    .slicknav_menu .slicknav_icon-bar {      background-color: #1fa0a3; }  .slicknav_btn {    margin: 5px 5px 6px;    text-decoration: none;    text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);    -webkit-border-radius: 4px;    -moz-border-radius: 4px;    border-radius: 4px;    background-color: #222; }  .slicknav_nav {    color: #1ad7e5;    margin: 0;    padding: 0;    font-size: 0.875em;    list-style: none;    overflow: hidden; }    .slicknav_nav ul {      list-style: none;      overflow: hidden;      padding: 0;      margin: 0 0 0 20px; }    .slicknav_nav .slicknav_row {      padding: 5px 10px;      margin: 2px 5px; }      .slicknav_nav .slicknav_row:hover {        -webkit-border-radius: 6px;        -moz-border-radius: 6px;        border-radius: 6px;        background: #ccc;        color: #fff; }    .slicknav_nav {  	   transition: .3s;      padding: 5px 10px;      margin: 2px 5px;      text-decoration: none;  	font-size:20px;      color: #222; }      .slicknav_nav a:hover {  		color: transparent;        -webkit-border-radius: 6px;        -moz-border-radius: 6px;        border-radius: 6px;        background: #ccc;        color: #222; }  .slicknav_nav a:after{  	content: attr(data-txthover);      position: absolute;      top: 0;      left: 0;      max-width: 0;       color: white;      white-space: nowrap;      overflow: hidden;      transition: max-width .3s ease-out;  }    .slicknav_nav .slicknav_txtnode {      margin-left: 15px; }    .slicknav_nav .slicknav_item {      padding: 0;      margin: 0; }    .slicknav_nav .slicknav_parent-link {      padding: 0;      margin: 0; }    .slicknav_brand {    color: #fff;    font-size: 18px;    line-height: 30px;    padding: 7px 12px;    height: 44px; }  }
<body>  <div class="all">  <header>  <script  			  src=""  			  integrity="sha256-7lkwezqtdpefelxczzls6wax5ff13zz83lyo2/ujj7g="  			  crossorigin="anonymous"></script>               <script src="slicknav-master/dist/jquery.slicknav.js"></script>               <script>$(function(){  		$('#menu').slicknav();  	});  </script>  <nav>  <div id="fix">  <ul class="main-nav" id="menu">  <li><a href="portfolio.html" class="logo"><img id="logo" src="logo.svg" alt="logo"></a></li>  <li><a href="#logowheader">home</a></li>  <li><a href="#recent">skills</a></li>  <div class="dropdown">  <button class="dropbtn">  <li><a href="#description">about</a></li></button>  <div class="dropdown-content">  <a href="#">work</a>  <a href="education2.html">education</a>  </div>         </div>  <li><a href="#iwant">contact</a></li>  </ul></div>  </nav></header>  </div>  </body>

if don't want subheader overlap else, don't use absolute.

change this:

.dropdown-content{     display: none;     position: relative; } 

(function ($, document, window) {      var          defaults = {              label: 'menu',              duplicate: true,              duration: 200,              easingopen: 'swing',              easingclose: 'swing',              closedsymbol: '&#9658;',              openedsymbol: '&#9660;',              prependto: 'body',              appendto: '',              parenttag: 'a',              closeonclick: false,              allowparentlinks: false,              nestedparentlinks: true,              showchildren: false,              removeids: true,              removeclasses: false,              removestyles: false,  			brand: '',              animations: 'jquery',              init: function () {},              beforeopen: function () {},              beforeclose: function () {},              afteropen: function () {},              afterclose: function () {}          },          mobilemenu = 'slicknav',          prefix = 'slicknav',          keyboard = {              down: 40,              enter: 13,              escape: 27,              left: 37,              right: 39,              space: 32,              tab: 9,              up: 38,          };      function plugin(element, options) {          this.element = element;          this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);          if (!this.settings.duplicate && !options.hasownproperty("removeids")) {            this.settings.removeids = false;          }          this._defaults = defaults;          this._name = mobilemenu;          this.init();      }      plugin.prototype.init = function () {          var $this = this,              menu = $(this.element),              settings = this.settings,              iconclass,              menubar;          if (settings.duplicate) {              $this.mobilenav = menu.clone();          } else {              $this.mobilenav = menu;          }          if (settings.removeids) {            $this.mobilenav.removeattr('id');            $this.mobilenav.find('*').each(function (i, e) {                $(e).removeattr('id');            });          }          if (settings.removeclasses) {              $this.mobilenav.removeattr('class');              $this.mobilenav.find('*').each(function (i, e) {                  $(e).removeattr('class');              });          }          if (settings.removestyles) {              $this.mobilenav.removeattr('style');              $this.mobilenav.find('*').each(function (i, e) {                  $(e).removeattr('style');              });          }          iconclass = prefix + '_icon';          if (settings.label === '') {              iconclass += ' ' + prefix + '_no-text';          }          if (settings.parenttag == 'a') {              settings.parenttag = 'a href="#"';          }          $this.mobilenav.attr('class', prefix + '_nav');          menubar = $('<div class="' + prefix + '_menu"></div>');  		if (settings.brand !== '') {  			var brand = $('<div class="' + prefix + '_brand">'+settings.brand+'</div>');  			$(menubar).append(brand);  		}          $this.btn = $(              ['<' + settings.parenttag + ' aria-haspopup="true" role="button" tabindex="0" class="' + prefix + '_btn ' + prefix + '_collapsed">',                  '<span class="' + prefix + '_menutxt">' + settings.label + '</span>',                  '<span class="' + iconclass + '">',                      '<span class="' + prefix + '_icon-bar"></span>',                      '<span class="' + prefix + '_icon-bar"></span>',                      '<span class="' + prefix + '_icon-bar"></span>',                  '</span>',              '</' + settings.parenttag + '>'              ].join('')          );          $(menubar).append($this.btn);          if(settings.appendto !== '') {              $(settings.appendto).append(menubar);          } else {              $(settings.prependto).prepend(menubar);          }          menubar.append($this.mobilenav);          var items = $this.mobilenav.find('li');          $(items).each(function () {              var item = $(this),                  data = {};              data.children = item.children('ul').attr('role', 'menu');    'menu', data);              if (data.children.length > 0) {                  var = item.contents(),                      containsanchor = false,                      nodes = [];                  $(a).each(function () {                      if (!$(this).is('ul')) {                          nodes.push(this);                      } else {                          return false;                      }                      if($(this).is("a")) {                          containsanchor = true;                      }                  });                  var wrapelement = $(                      '<' + settings.parenttag + ' role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" tabindex="-1" class="' + prefix + '_item"/>'                  );                           if ((!settings.allowparentlinks || settings.nestedparentlinks) || !containsanchor) {                      var $wrap = $(nodes).wrapall(wrapelement).parent();                      $wrap.addclass(prefix+'_row');                  } else                      $(nodes).wrapall('<span class="'+prefix+'_parent-link '+prefix+'_row"/>').parent();                  if (!settings.showchildren) {                      item.addclass(prefix+'_collapsed');                  } else {                      item.addclass(prefix+'_open');                  }                  item.addclass(prefix+'_parent');                  var arrowelement = $('<span class="'+prefix+'_arrow">'+(settings.showchildren?settings.openedsymbol:settings.closedsymbol)+'</span>');                  if (settings.allowparentlinks && !settings.nestedparentlinks && containsanchor)                      arrowelement = arrowelement.wrap(wrapelement).parent();                  $(nodes).last().after(arrowelement);              } else if ( item.children().length === 0) {                   item.addclass(prefix+'_txtnode');              }              item.children('a').attr('role', 'menuitem').click(function(event){                  //ensure it's not parent                  if (settings.closeonclick && !$('li').hasclass(prefix+'_parent')) {                          //emulate menu close if set                          $($this.btn).click();                      }              });                          if (settings.closeonclick && settings.allowparentlinks) {                  item.children('a').children('a').click(function (event) {                       $($this.btn).click();                  });                  item.find('.'+prefix+'_parent-link a:not(.'+prefix+'_item)').click(function(event){                                             $($this.btn).click();                  });              }          });                $(items).each(function () {              var data = $(this).data('menu');              if (!settings.showchildren){                  $this._visibilitytoggle(data.children, null, false, null, true);              }          });                 $this._visibilitytoggle($this.mobilenav, null, false, 'init', true);                 $this.mobilenav.attr('role','menu');                 $(document).mousedown(function(){              $this._outlines(false);          });          $(document).keyup(function(){              $this._outlines(true);          });              $($this.btn).click(function (e) {              e.preventdefault();              $this._menutoggle();          });                  $this.mobilenav.on('click', '.' + prefix + '_item', function (e) {              e.preventdefault();              $this._itemclick($(this));          });                 $($this.btn).keydown(function (e) {              var ev = e || event;              switch(ev.keycode) {                  case keyboard.enter:                  case                  case keyboard.down:                      e.preventdefault();                      if (ev.keycode !== keyboard.down || !$($this.btn).hasclass(prefix+'_open')){                          $this._menutoggle();                      }                                       $($this.btn).next().find('[role="menuitem"]').first().focus();                      break;              }                    });          $this.mobilenav.on('keydown', '.'+prefix+'_item', function(e) {              var ev = e || event;              switch(ev.keycode) {                  case keyboard.enter:                      e.preventdefault();                      $this._itemclick($(;                      break;                  case keyboard.right:                      e.preventdefault();                      if ($('_collapsed')) {                          $this._itemclick($(;                      }                      $('[role="menuitem"]').first().focus();                      break;              }          });            $this.mobilenav.on('keydown', '[role="menuitem"]', function(e) {              var ev = e || event;                switch(ev.keycode){                  case keyboard.down:                      e.preventdefault();                      var allitems = $('[role="menuitem"]:visible');                      var idx = allitems.index( );                      var nextidx = idx + 1;                      if (allitems.length <= nextidx) {                          nextidx = 0;                      }                      var next = allitems.eq( nextidx );                      next.focus();                  break;                  case keyboard.up:                      e.preventdefault();                      var allitems = $('[role="menuitem"]:visible');                      var idx = allitems.index( );                      var next = allitems.eq( idx - 1 );                      next.focus();                  break;                  case keyboard.left:                      e.preventdefault();                      if ($('_open')) {                          var parent = $(;                          parent.focus();                          $this._itemclick(parent);                      } else if ($('_nav')){                          $this._menutoggle();                          $($this.btn).focus();                      }                      break;                  case keyboard.escape:                      e.preventdefault();                      $this._menutoggle();                      $($this.btn).focus();                      break;                  }          });            // allow links clickable within parent tags if set          if (settings.allowparentlinks && settings.nestedparentlinks) {              $('.'+prefix+'_item a').click(function(e){                      e.stopimmediatepropagation();              });          }      };        //toggle menu      plugin.prototype._menutoggle = function (el) {          var $this = this;          var btn = $this.btn;          var mobilenav = $this.mobilenav;            if (btn.hasclass(prefix+'_collapsed')) {              btn.removeclass(prefix+'_collapsed');              btn.addclass(prefix+'_open');          } else {              btn.removeclass(prefix+'_open');              btn.addclass(prefix+'_collapsed');          }          btn.addclass(prefix+'_animating');          $this._visibilitytoggle(mobilenav, btn.parent(), true, btn);      };        // toggle clicked items      plugin.prototype._itemclick = function (el) {          var $this = this;          var settings = $this.settings;          var data ='menu');          if (!data) {              data = {};              data.arrow = el.children('.'+prefix+'_arrow');              data.ul ='ul');              data.parent = el.parent();              //separated parent link structure              if (data.parent.hasclass(prefix+'_parent-link')) {                  data.parent = el.parent().parent();                  data.ul = el.parent().next('ul');              }    'menu', data);          }          if (data.parent.hasclass(prefix+'_collapsed')) {              data.arrow.html(settings.openedsymbol);              data.parent.removeclass(prefix+'_collapsed');              data.parent.addclass(prefix+'_open');              data.parent.addclass(prefix+'_animating');              $this._visibilitytoggle(data.ul, data.parent, true, el);          } else {              data.arrow.html(settings.closedsymbol);              data.parent.addclass(prefix+'_collapsed');              data.parent.removeclass(prefix+'_open');              data.parent.addclass(prefix+'_animating');              $this._visibilitytoggle(data.ul, data.parent, true, el);          }      };        // toggle actual visibility , accessibility tags      plugin.prototype._visibilitytoggle = function(el, parent, animate, trigger, init) {          var $this = this;          var settings = $this.settings;          var items = $this._getactionitems(el);          var duration = 0;          if (animate) {              duration = settings.duration;          }                    function afteropen(trigger, parent) {              $(trigger).removeclass(prefix+'_animating');              $(parent).removeclass(prefix+'_animating');                //fire afteropen callback              if (!init) {                  settings.afteropen(trigger);              }          }                    function afterclose(trigger, parent) {              el.attr('aria-hidden','true');              items.attr('tabindex', '-1');              $this._setvisattr(el, true);              el.hide(); //jquery 1.7 bug fix                $(trigger).removeclass(prefix+'_animating');              $(parent).removeclass(prefix+'_animating');                //fire init or afterclose callback              if (!init){                  settings.afterclose(trigger);              } else if (trigger == 'init'){                  settings.init();              }          }            if (el.hasclass(prefix+'_hidden')) {              el.removeclass(prefix+'_hidden');               //fire beforeopen callback              if (!init) {                  settings.beforeopen(trigger);              }              if (settings.animations === 'jquery') {                  el.stop(true,true).slidedown(duration, settings.easingopen, function(){                      afteropen(trigger, parent);                  });              } else if(settings.animations === 'velocity') {                  el.velocity("finish").velocity("slidedown", {                      duration: duration,                      easing: settings.easingopen,                      complete: function() {                          afteropen(trigger, parent);                      }                  });              }              el.attr('aria-hidden','false');              items.attr('tabindex', '0');              $this._setvisattr(el, false);          } else {              el.addclass(prefix+'_hidden');                //fire init or beforeclose callback              if (!init){                  settings.beforeclose(trigger);              }                if (settings.animations === 'jquery') {                  el.stop(true,true).slideup(duration, this.settings.easingclose, function() {                      afterclose(trigger, parent)                  });              } else if (settings.animations === 'velocity') {                                    el.velocity("finish").velocity("slideup", {                      duration: duration,                      easing: settings.easingclose,                      complete: function() {                          afterclose(trigger, parent);                      }                  });              }          }      };        // set attributes of element , children based on visibility      plugin.prototype._setvisattr = function(el, hidden) {          var $this = this;            // select parents aren't hidden          var nonhidden = el.children('li').children('ul').not('.'+prefix+'_hidden');            // iterate on items setting appropriate tags          if (!hidden) {              nonhidden.each(function(){                  var ul = $(this);                  ul.attr('aria-hidden','false');                  var items = $this._getactionitems(ul);                  items.attr('tabindex', '0');                  $this._setvisattr(ul, hidden);              });          } else {              nonhidden.each(function(){                  var ul = $(this);                  ul.attr('aria-hidden','true');                  var items = $this._getactionitems(ul);                  items.attr('tabindex', '-1');                  $this._setvisattr(ul, hidden);              });          }      };        // 1st level items clickable      plugin.prototype._getactionitems = function(el) {          var data ="menu");          if (!data) {              data = {};              var items = el.children('li');              var anchors = items.find('a');              data.links = anchors.add(items.find('.'+prefix+'_item'));    'menu', data);          }          return data.links;      };        plugin.prototype._outlines = function(state) {          if (!state) {              $('.'+prefix+'_item, .'+prefix+'_btn').css('outline','none');          } else {              $('.'+prefix+'_item, .'+prefix+'_btn').css('outline','');          }      };        plugin.prototype.toggle = function(){          var $this = this;          $this._menutoggle();      }; = function(){          var $this = this;          if ($this.btn.hasclass(prefix+'_collapsed')) {              $this._menutoggle();          }      };        plugin.prototype.close = function(){          var $this = this;          if ($this.btn.hasclass(prefix+'_open')) {              $this._menutoggle();          }      };        $.fn[mobilemenu] = function ( options ) {          var args = arguments;            // first parameter object (options), or omitted, instantiate new instance          if (options === undefined || typeof options === 'object') {              return this.each(function () {                    // allow plugin instantiated once due methods                  if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + mobilemenu)) {                        // if has no instance, create new one, pass options our plugin constructor,                      // , store plugin instance in elements jquery data object.                      $.data(this, 'plugin_' + mobilemenu, new plugin( this, options ));                  }              });            // if string , doesn't start underscore or 'init' function, treat call public method.          } else if (typeof options === 'string' && options[0] !== '_' && options !== 'init') {                // cache method call make possible return value              var returns;                this.each(function () {                  var instance = $.data(this, 'plugin_' + mobilemenu);                    // tests there's plugin-instance , checks requested public method exists                  if (instance instanceof plugin && typeof instance[options] === 'function') {                        // call method of our plugin instance, , pass supplied arguments.                      returns = instance[options].apply( instance, args, 1 ) );                  }              });                // if earlier cached method gives value return value, otherwise return preserve chainability.              return returns !== undefined ? returns : this;          }      };  }(jquery, document, window));
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