java - String cannot be applied to -

i'm trying create piechart in javafx, , want fill data hashmap.

here's code:

public graph(hashmap<string, double> chartdata) {     observablelist<> piechartdata = fxcollections.observablearraylist();      (map.entry<string, double> entry: chartdata.entryset()) {         string s = entry.getkey();         new, entry.getvalue());         //system.out.println("key = " + entry.getkey() + ", value = " + entry.getvalue());     }      chart = new piechart(piechartdata);     chart.settitle("imported fruits"); } 

the issue facing when try use entry.getkey() string, following error:

data (java.lang.string, double) in data cannot applied (, double).

the string marked red , when replace entry.getkey() "some text" work. cause?

you seem have imported wrong "string" class ( in current file , data class expects correct 1 (java.lang.string). make sure imports correct (i.e. remove import of first type).

also see this question, asker has run similar problem


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