c++ - Iterating over char* error no conversion from char* to int -

i'm iterating on char* follows, on line indicated, i'm getting error c2446 '!=' no conversion char* int.

        int errorlinenumber = 0;         char* json;  //this long json multiple \n's in it.         int offset = erroroffset;         char* p = json + offset;         while (*p-- != '\n' && offset--); //check gives offset on error line , not char position of end of last line before error         errorlineoffset = erroroffset - offset; //get offset on error line          //count lines json error         long errorlinenumber = 0;         while (*p!= json) //this error line             errorlinenumber += *p-- == '\n'; 

i looked @ conversion const char tchar, it's little different, , looked @ conversion const char int, still don't think same issue, unless i'm missing something.

that great if had idea i'm missing. thanks!

in line

while (*p != json)  

you compare *p of type char json, which, according code above should pointer, assume of type `const char*. should

while (p != json) ...  


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