Windows 10 how to create shadow storage on another drive without vssadmin create -

i want create shadow storage 1 drive on using windows 10. server windows editions, there is:

vssadmin add shadowstorage /for=<forvolumespec> /on=<onvolumespec> [/maxsize=<maxsizespec>] 

the add command missing in windows 10, how 1 go it?

there powershell commands available, not make them work.

(get-wmiobject -list win32_shadowstorage).create('c:\','d:\','3000000000') 

vssadmin has "create" option on windows server. instead, have make use of powershell script create shadow.

powershell.exe -command (gwmi -list win32_shadowcopy).create('e:\','clientaccessible')

since makes use of win32_shadowcopy class in wmi, can use other methods create shadow. includes "wmic" utility.

wmic shadowcopy call create volume='e:\'
