angular - Angular2 - Generate pdf from HTML using jspdf -

for project i'm working on need able generate pdf of page user on, i'll use jspdf. since have html need generate pdf with, i'll need addhtml() function. there lot of topic this, saying

you'll either need use html2canvas or rasterizehtml.

i've chosen use html2canvas. code looks @ moment:

import { injectable, elementref, viewchild } '@angular/core'; import * jspdf 'jspdf'; import * d3 'd3'; import * html2canvas 'html2canvas';  @injectable () export class pdfgeneratorservice {    @viewchild('to-pdf') element: elementref;    generatepdf () {     html2canvas(this.element.nativeelement, <html2canvas.html2canvasoptions>{       onrendered: function(canvas: htmlcanvaselement) {         var pdf = new jspdf('p','pt','a4');          pdf.addhtml(canvas, function() { 'web.pdf');         });       }     });   } } 

when function called, console error:

exception: error in ./appcomponent class appcomponent - inline template:3:4 caused by: need either or

why this? give canvas parameter , still says need use html2canvas.

what found worked adding:

<script src=""></script> 

to index.html file (it presumably elsewhere).

i used:

const elementtoprint = document.getelementbyid('foo'); //the html element become pdf const pdf = new jspdf('p', 'pt', 'a4'); pdf.addhtml(elementtoprint, () => {'web.pdf'); }); 

which no longer uses html2canvas in code.
can remove following import:

import * html2canvas 'html2canvas'; 
