parsing - Haskell Text Parser Combinators to parse a Range Greedily like Regex range notation -
in regex can acquire range of parse doing \d{1,5}
, parses digit 1 5 times greedily. or \d{1,5}?
make lazy.
how in haskell's text.parsercombinators.readp?
my attempt gave this:
rangeparse :: read => readp -> [int] -> readp [a] rangeparse parse ranges = foldr1 (<++) $ fmap (\n -> count n $ parse) ranges
which if rangeparse (satisfy isdigit) ([5,4..1])
perform greedy parse of digits 1 5 times. while if swap number sequent [1..5]
, lazy parse.
is there better or more idiomatic way parser combinators?
update: below wrong - example rangegreedy 2 4 <* string "aab"
, equivalent of regexp a{2,4}aab
, doesn't match. questioner's solution gets right. won't delete answer yet in case keeps else making same mistake.
this isn't complete answer, possible way write greedy version. haven't found nice way lazy version.
define left-biased version of option
returns maybes:
greedyoption :: readp -> readp (maybe a) greedyoption p = (just <$> p) <++ pure nothing
then can n of replicatem
of them:
uptogreedy :: int -> readp -> readp [a] uptogreedy n p = catmaybes <$> replicatem n (greedyoption p)
to allow minimum count, mandatory part separately , append it:
rangegreedy :: int -> int -> readp -> readp [a] rangegreedy lo hi p = (++) <$> count lo p <*> uptogreedy (hi - lo) p
the rest of test code in case it's useful anyone:
module main import control.monad (replicatem) import data.maybe (catmaybes) import text.parsercombinators.readp main :: io () main = mapm_ go ["aaaaa", "aaaab", "aaabb", "aabbb", "abbbb", "bbbbb"] go = print . map fst . readp_to_s test test :: readp [string] test = ((++) <$> rangegreedy 2 4 <*> many aorb) <* eof = char 'a' *> pure "ay" aorb = (char 'a' +++ char 'b') *> pure "ayorbee"
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