python - Join two RDDs on custom function - SPARK -

is possible join 2 rdds in spark on custom function? have 2 big rdds string key. want join them not using classic join custom function like:

def my_func(a,b):     return lev.distance(a,b) < 2  result_rdd = rdd1.join(rdd2, my_func) 

if it's not possible, there alternative continue use benefits of spark clusters? wrote pyspark not able distribuite work on small cluster.

def custom_join(rdd1, rdd2, my_func):     = rdd1.sortbykey().collect()     b = rdd2.sortbykey().collect()     = 0     j = 0     res = []     while < len(a) , j < len(b):         if my_func(a[i][0],b[j][0]):             res += [((a[i][0],b[j][0]),(a[i][1],b[j][1]))]             i+=1             j+=1         elif a[i][0] < b[j][0]:             i+=1         else:             j+=1      return sc.parallelize(res) 

thanks in advance (and sorry english because i'm italian)

you can use cartesian , filter based on conditions.

from pyspark.sql import sparksession spark = sparksession.builder.getorcreate() sc = spark.sparkcontext x = sc.parallelize([("a", 1), ("b", 4)]) y = sc.parallelize([("a", 2), ("b", 3)])  def customfunc(x):     # may use condition here     return x[0][0] ==x[1][0]  print(x.join(y).collect()) # normal join # replicating join cartesian print(x.cartesian(y).filter(customfunc).flatmap(lambda x:x).groupbykey().mapvalues(tuple).collect()) 


[('b', (4, 3)), ('a', (1, 2))] [('a', (1, 2)), ('b', (4, 3))] 


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