ios - Approaching Size Limit - The size of watch application (50MB limit is headache.) -

our app reaches approx 49mb , not halfway. exceed limit of 50mb. have few questions follow.

1) on-demand resources possible in watchos?

2) resources(images, custom fonts) make 2 copy each 1 watch app , other watch extension. how solve that?

3) swift core , other swift frameworks consuming ~28mb of space. there way disable that? (ps. have bit code disabled)

edit watchos4:

previously our app size 44.3 mb when generate ipa xcode9 size increased 54.5.

you can save space including resources in either watch app or watch extension, not both. resources used in storyboard or referenced name in watchkit methods, wkinterfaceimage’s setimagenamed(_:) method, should store them in watch app itself. resources loaded in code path or uiimage methods init?(named:), you’ll want put them in watchkit extension.


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