Indexing in Mysql on multiple tables -

i have 4 tables, transaction table, customer table, products table & plant table.

i'm querying daily sale group product table item type, and, customer-wise sale on daily basis.

but these queries execution time high (my tran table 2m rows only)

how improve performance of db?

i created tables follows :

transaction table :    create table `tran` (    `plant` char(4) not null collate 'utf8_bin',    `tdate` date not null,    `invno` varchar(10) null default null collate 'utf8_bin',    `customer` char(8) not null collate 'utf8_bin',    `icode` char(8) not null collate 'utf8_bin',    `rqty` float(10,2) null default null,    `fqty` float(10,2) null default null,    `ramt` float(10,2) null default null,    `taxamt` float(10,2) null default null,    `tqty` float(10,2) null default null,    `tamt` float(10,2) null default null  )  collate='utf8_bin'  engine=innodb  row_format=compact  ;    customer details table :     create table `cust` (    `slno` smallint(6) null default null,    `aarea` char(2) null default null,    `plant` char(4) null default null,    `customer` char(8) not null collate 'utf8_bin',    `cname` varchar(50) null default null,    `doc` date null default null,    `l1` varchar(25) null default null,    `l2` varchar(25) null default null,    `l3` varchar(35) null default null,    `se` char(6) null default null,    `sename` varchar(35) null default null  )  collate='utf8_general_ci'  engine=innodb  row_format=compact  ;      products/materials table :     create table `prod` (    `slno` int(3) null default null,    `icode` char(8) not null,    `igroup` char(8) null default null,    `iname` char(50) null default null,    `cat` char(5) null default null,    `itype` char(20) null default null,    `subtype` char(30) null default null,    `norm` char(20) null default null,    `sku` char(20) null default null,    `icat` char(30) null default null,    primary key (`icode`)  )  collate='utf8_general_ci'  engine=innodb  row_format=compact  ;      plant table :    create table `plant` (      `aarea` int(1) null default null,      `aname` char(50) null default null,      `mainplant` char(4) null default null,      `plant` char(4) null default null,      `pname` char(50) null default null,      `shortname` char(50) null default null  )  collate='utf8_general_ci'  engine=innodb  ;    select query :    select pc.mainplant,,p.itype,  sum(if(year(tdate)=2015,tqty,0)) _2015,   sum(if(year(tdate)=2016,tqty,0)) _2016   tran z  left join plant pc on pc.plant=z.plant  left join prod p on p.icode=z.icode  left join cust c on c.customer=z.customer  pc.mainplant = 'xxxx'  group pc.mainplant,,p.itype; 

  • use varchar instead of char unless string fixed width.
  • never use float(m,n), either use float "scientific" quantities or decimal(m,n) exact quantities, such money.
  • have primary key on every table, preferably using 'natural' pk column (or combination of columns) unique.
  • do not left unless right-hand table optional.

the first step in speeding query is


make rest of changes suggested, can make pass @ optimizing query. (the performance issue may solved adding index, plus pks.)


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