Angular 2 ControlValueAccessor for custom checkbox, How inside to outside value get updated? -

i trying implement custom component checkbox using bootstrap 4 checkbox layout.

i following link implement custom component

i did radio, checkbox taking input array of ids , output array of ids based on selection.

checkbox created based on list of js model instance.

export class inputprop<t>{ displayname?:string; order?:number;  constructor( public checked:boolean=false,              public value:string,              public id:t)  {} 


but 1 thing not understanding, how angular 2 read inner value , update outside modal

there writevalue method read outside component ngmodel values.

is there method readvalue

source code

checkbox-button.component.ts import { inputprop } './../../models/common.classes'; import { titlecasepipe } './../../../pipes/title-case.pipe'; import {             formgroup,             formcontrol,             formbuilder,             controlvalueaccessor,             ng_value_accessor,             ng_validators,             validatorfn         } '@angular/forms'; // framework import {    input,              output,              component,              oninit,             ondestroy,             forwardref,             eventemitter } "@angular/core"; const noop = () => { };  export const custom_input_control_value_accessor: = {     provide: ng_value_accessor,     useexisting: forwardref(() => checkboxbutton),     multi: true };  @component({     selector: 'checkbox-button',     styleurls:['./../buttons.component.scss'],     templateurl:'./checkbox-button.component.html',     providers:[titlecasepipe]  })  export class checkboxbutton implements oninit, ondestroy, controlvalueaccessor {      private titlecase:titlecasepipe=new titlecasepipe();     //(ngmodelchange)="cbacheckboxbuttonchange($event)"     @input('label')     private labelname:string;      @input('list')     private complist:inputprop<number|string>[];      @input('isenum')     private isenumbasecheckbox:boolean=false;      @input('enumlist')     private enumcomp:any;      @input('isupcase')     private isuppercase:boolean=false;      @input('sortdir')     private sortdir:string='asc';      @input('labeldir')     private islabeldisplaydir:string='top';      @output() oncheckboxchangenotify: eventemitter<(number|string)[]>;      private prevselectedvals:(number|string)[];       private innerval: any[];     private orderby:any;     constructor() {         this.oncheckboxchangenotify = new eventemitter<(number|string)[]>();     }      ngoninit() {          this.orderby={fields:['order'],sortdir:this.sortdir};         //console.debug('cbacheckboxbutton::ngoninit: ',this.complist,this.labelname);     }      ngondestroy(){         //console.debug('cbacheckboxbutton::ngondestory: ');     }     //placeholders callbacks later providesd     //by control value accessor     private ontouchedcallback: () => void = noop;     private onchangecallback: (_: any) => void = noop;      //get accessor     selectedval(): {         return this.innerval;     };      // //set accessor including call onchange callback     // set selectedval(v: any) {     //     if (v !== this.innerval) {     //         this.innerval = v;     //         this.onchangecallback(v);     //     }     // }      //from controlvalueaccessor interface     writevalue(value: any) {         if (value !== this.innerval) {             this.innerval = value;    >f.checked=false);              for(let val in this.innerval)                 this.complist.filter(f=>>f.checked=true);                  // initialize checkbox select or deseclt based on input         }     }     //set touched on blur     onblur() {         this.ontouchedcallback();     }     //from controlvalueaccessor interface     registeronchange(fn: any) {         this.onchangecallback = fn;     }      //from controlvalueaccessor interface     registerontouched(fn: any) {         this.ontouchedcallback = fn;     }      changecheckbox(checkbox:inputprop<number>,event:boolean):boolean {         console.debug('cbacheckboxbutton::changecheckbox: ',checkbox,event);           // below code deselect other if or global selected         if(!=-1){             this.complist.filter(f => f.checked && ).map(f=>f.checked=false);         } else {             this.complist.filter(f => f.checked &&!=-1 ).map(f=>f.checked=false);         }         this.innerval=this.complist.filter(f => f.checked).map(f=>(;;         this.ontouchedcallback();         // let selectedinputs=this.complist.filter(f => f.checked).map(f=>(;         // let me=this;         // if(selectedinputs.length==0){         //>{         //         if([0])         //             f.checked=true;         //     });         //     return true;         // }           // // there small bug here, when try deselect last record, prevented these code , works perfet         // // when jump others , try deselect again tried, need twice click         // this.prevselectedvals=selectedinputs;          return false; // this.updateparentlistener();     }     // updateparentlistener():boolean {      //     this.oncheckboxchangenotify.emit(selectedinputs);     // } } 

 checkbox-button.component.html     <div class="btn-group d-flex flex-default" *ngif="islabeldisplaydir=='left' || islabeldisplaydir=='right'">         <label class="btn btn-primary radio-label labelname btn-right-border" *ngif="islabeldisplaydir=='left'">{{labelname}}</label>         <template [ngif]="!isenumbasecheckbox">             <label class="btn btn-primary radio-label btn-right-border" [ngclass]="{'radio-label-checked':checkbox.checked}"                 *ngfor="let checkbox of complist | orderby:orderby" >                 <input type="checkbox" class="radio-input" (blur)="onblur()" [value]="checkbox.checked"                           [(ngmodel)]="checkbox.checked" (ngmodelchange)="changecheckbox(checkbox,$event)">                     {{ isuppercase ? (checkbox.displayname||checkbox.value | uppercase):(checkbox.displayname||checkbox.value | titlecase)}}             </label>         </template>         <label class="btn btn-primary radio-label labelname btn-right-border" *ngif="islabeldisplaydir=='right'">{{labelname}}</label>     </div>       <div *ngif="islabeldisplaydir=='top' || islabeldisplaydir=='bottom'">         <div class="btn-group d-flex flex-default" *ngif="islabeldisplaydir=='top'">             <label class="btn btn-primary radio-label labelnametb">{{labelname}}</label><br/>         </div>         <div class="btn-group d-flex flex-default">             <template [ngif]="!isenumbasecheckbox">                 <label class="btn btn-primary radio-label btn-right-border" [ngclass]="{'radio-label-checked':checkbox.checked}"                     *ngfor="let checkbox of complist | orderby:orderby" >                     <input type="checkbox" class="radio-input" (blur)="onblur()" [value]="checkbox.checked"                              [(ngmodel)]="checkbox.checked"   (ngmodelchange)="changecheckbox(checkbox,$event)">                         {{ isuppercase ? (checkbox.displayname||checkbox.value | uppercase):(checkbox.displayname||checkbox.value | titlecase)}}                 </label>             </template>         </div>         <div class="btn-group d-flex flex-default" *ngif="islabeldisplaydir=='bottom'">             <label class="btn btn-primary radio-label labelnametb">{{labelname}}</label><br/>         </div>     </div>  


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